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Infrastructure Planning and Design

Are you evaluating server technologies in your quest toward a dynamic IT infrastructure? Use the Infrastructure Planning and Design Series guides to make the right decisions about planning infrastructure architecture.


Planning the next generation of technical infrastructure for corporations is a complex and daunting task. The success of any infrastructure is measured in how well the design choices match business objectives. Although plenty of product documentation is available, historically it has been difficult to find guidance on how to appropriately plan the core infrastructure for an organization. The Infrastructure Planning and Design series is designed to present the reader with the most concise planning guidance for Microsoft technologies. It also provides a means to validate design decisions to ensure that the solution meets the requirements of both business and IT stakeholders.

The IPD documents are designed to be used by the following IT personnel:

  • Infrastructure planners and architects who have a firm operational grasp of the technology.
  • Partners and consultants who design infrastructure solutions.
  • Business managers who want to understand how the technology decisions being made support and affect the business.

The Infrastructure Planning and Design series is the next version of Windows Server System™ Reference Architecture. The guides in this series help clarify and streamline design processes for Microsoft infrastructure technologies; each guide addresses a unique infrastructure technology or scenario. All guides share a common structure including:

  • Definition of the technical decision flow through the planning process.
  • Listing of decisions to be made and the commonly available options and considerations.
  • Relating the decisions and options to the business in terms of cost, complexity, and other characteristics.
  • Framing decisions in terms of additional questions to the business to ensure a comprehensive alignment with the appropriate business landscape.

These guides complement product documentation by exposing and focusing on infrastructure design options.

More information here: Infrastructure Planning and Design Series