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New MVA course by me: Building Infrastructure in Azure using Azure Resource Manager

Idag publicerade jag en ny kurs på Microsoft Virtual Academy (MVA). Kursen som är knappt en och en halv timme lång går igenom Azure Resource Manager (ARM) och IaaS, det nya sättet att bygga din infrastruktur i Azure. Kursen är på engelska och beskriva såhär:

In this course I will give you an introduction to how you can build your infrastructure in Azure with Azure Resource Manager, or ARM.

We do this with Powershell and with templates. I also explain and show how Role Based Access Control works in the new portal and with Powershell. I assume that you are already familiar with Azure as an IaaS platform and that you have already some experience in deploying virtual machines, virtual networks and so on.

This is not an introduction to Azure or to Iaas, I focus only on the benefits that we get when using ARM instead of using the old portal and the old APIs.

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