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Neues von Microsoft IT: Wie machen wir...

Microsoft IT ist eine der ersten Kunden, welche unsere neuesten Technologien im großen Stil einsetzen. Als Infrastrukturarchitekt lernt man hier am schnellsten, was man wie machen kann und wie das ganze dann auch funktioniert. Folgende neue Artikel von Microsoft IT sind in der letzten Zeit erschienen (in der Regel auf englisch). Im "Business" Bereich:

Virtualization Strategy Provides Tools, Processes, and Compliance Capabilities to Enhance Business Support and Drive Adoption

Microsoft IT has identified virtualization as an important strategy for reducing space and power consumption in its data centers, and for ensuring appropriate server utilization. Microsoft IT is driving adoption of virtualization with the implementation of the RightSizing initiative and creation of a Microsoft IT group that manages server purchases for most business groups.

Service Management at Microsoft

Service management is critical for IT services to be strategically valuable to Microsoft and its core business. The IT Service Management Office was formed to define and drive a consistent strategy through governance and standardization, innovation, performance measurement, client insight, and continuous improvement.
Business Case Study  

Using Microsoft Dynamics CRM to Reduce Non-Value-Add Activities at Microsoft

The Microsoft OEM division has developed an implementation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM to reduce the Non-Value Add Activities of the OEM Sales and Marketing teams. The goal of the program was to reduce by 30% these Non-Value Add activities.


Im technischen Bereich:

Structured Active Directory Schema Management at Microsoft

Details Microsoft IT's Active Directory schema change management process. Schema changes are frequent at Microsoft, and require a structured workflow to ensure a consistent, smooth, and successful implementation. The change process that Microsoft IT institutionalized establishes clear standards, expectations, and timelines. The change process mitigates risks and helps to optimize results. The structured workflow normalizes schema changes. It provides clear responsibilities to all involved parties, eliminates schema change issues early in the process, and enables timely, optimized results.
Technical White Paper | IT Pro Webcast

Exchange Hosted Services at Microsoft

Describes the deployment and lessons learned by MSIT when implementing Exchange Hosted Services. Microsoft deploys and supports thousands of Exchange Server mailboxes for the global organization. All mail delivered to mailboxes on the is first routed through Exchange Hosted Services, a hosted service that filters mail for spam and viruses and enforces corporate email policies "in the cloud" before the mail reaches the Microsoft corporate network.

Technical Case Study | IT Pro Webcast


Deploying the Live Meeting Service Portal at Microsoft

Microsoft IT faces many challenges for securing its infrastructure, such as enabling access to partners, employees, vendors, and contingent staff both inside and outside the corporate network. With the rollout of Live Meeting Service Portal, Microsoft IT made changes to the security configuration and developed best practices for deploying any service and Live Meeting in particular. Microsoft IT secured its Web-facing applications by using Live Meeting as a specific example.


SharePoint Performance Optimization: How Microsoft IT Increases Availability and Decreases Rendering Time of SharePoint Sites

After deploying Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 in the corporate production environment, Microsoft IT noticed opportunities to enhance performance, especially long page render times, and spikes in disk I/O and CPU utilization. By working to discover root causes, Microsoft IT identified areas of opportunity for performance optimization, including the back-end SQL Server storage subsystem, and front-end IIS servers.
