Windows Intune er lansert! Delta på workshop 30.mars 2011 i Oslo
Windows teamet har gleden av å invitere til en eksklusiv workshop på Windows Intune30. mars.
Gjennom en hel dag kan du lære om Windows Intune fra Microsoft´s beste ressurser!
Med Windows Intune kan du dra nytte av Microsoft sin nettskyløsning og Windows 7 for å forenkle
PC- håndtering og realisere nye muligheter i markedet, samtidig som du tilbyr økt verdi for kunden
til en lavere kostnad.
Kurset vil bli holdt på engelsk og du bør ha med PC, da det legges opp til øvelser på egne PCer.
Vi har begrenset kapasitet så her gjelder det å være tidlig ute.
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Windows Intune Workshop
Windows Intune is a comprehensive solution that brings together cloud services and an upgrade subscription for the Windows 7 operating system, to help simplify PC management and security. Leverage the power of Windows Intune software and services to grow your business and provide greater value to your customers- all at a lower cost to you. To participate in the class, you need to bring a laptop that has the following specifications: · 1 GHz 32-bit/64-bit or greater processor required · 2 GB, or more, of physical RAM · At least 15 GB of available free hard disk space · DVD-ROM for installing course materials and student virtual machine · Pre-Install before the training – Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 Service Pack (SP1) for computers running Windows Vista® or Windows Virtual PC for computers running Windows 7. · If you do not have Virtual PC Installed or require support for hardware virtualization (For more details, see ) · Windows® Internet Explorer® or another browser that supports Microsoft® Silverlight®. Why should you take advantage of Windows Intune? The features and capabilities of Windows Intune enable you to: · Increase your revenue. Realize new economic opportunities with Microsoft cloud services—from Windows deployments and managed services to recurring sales revenue for each Windows Intune subscription you sell. · Reach new customers. Reselling Windows Intune and other Microsoft cloud services enables you to reach a broader spectrum of customers, wherever they are based. · Accelerate the sales cycle. Remove the barrier of up-front investments and lengthy approval cycles to accelerate your sales with the simple Windows Intune subscription model. Your participation on this course will be highly valuable. Sincerely,Windows Intune Team |
30.mars 2011 08:00 – 16:00 Felix konferansesenter Aker Brygge Bryggetorget 3 0125 Oslo