SYSK 97: The Power of Environmental Variables
Did you know that if you type %appdata% in Windows Explorer’s address bar, and press Enter, it’ll open C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data folder? Likewise, by typing %windir%, you’ll get into whatever folder you’ve installed windows (e.g. c:\Windows or c:\WinXP, etc.).
Other variables include:
%temp% C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Local Settings\Temp
%userprofile% C:\Documents and Settings\UserName
%systemroot% Same as %windir%
%programfiles% C:\Program Files
%allusersprofile% C:\Documents and Settings\All Users
Same variables (plus many more) are also very useful from batch files… But that a topic for another SYSK post.
Credits: Special thanks to Scott Jennings to brought this to my attention!