SYSK 282: How JSON is Making Your Code Cleaner
Say, you have to pass in a large number of data elements into a web service (to me, more than 5 is “many”). You have a few options – pass them as individual parameters, put them all into one custom serializable class (e.g. MyMethodRequest object), pass them as XML… you get the picture.
With the introduction of JSON about a year and a half ago, there is a new option. Here is how your code might look like when using AJAX.NET and JSON:
1. Define the web service:
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePartialRendering="true">
<asp:ServiceReference Path="~/Services/YourService.asmx" />
2. Create web method parameter using JSON notation (name/value pair) and invoke web service from Javascript:
var data = {
"param1" : param1Data,
"param2" : param2Data,
"param3" : param3Data,
"param4" : param4Data,
"param5" : param5Data,
"param6" : param6Data };
OnWebMethodCompleted, OnWebMethodError, OnWebMethodTimeout);
function OnWebMethodCompleted(result)
// TODO: add your code
function OnWebMethodError(result)
// TODO: add your code
function OnWebMethodTimeout(result)
// TODO: add your code
3. In your web method implementation, you’d process the data as follows:
[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class YourService : System.Web.Services.WebService
public YourReturnDataClass YourMethod(IDictionary data)
YourReturnDataClass result = null;
if (data != null)
foreach (string key in data.Keys)
switch (key.ToLower())
case "param1":
// TODO: add handling logic
case "param2":
// TODO: add handling logic
. . .
Here are some of the advantages of this solution:
- The parameter order is irrelevant
- You can pass in only the needed parameters instead of all data elements in the canonical schema (thus saving bandwidth and processing time)
- If you need to add elements that should be passed in, you don’t need to do anything special – just add the handling logic in your code behind and your code should work with clients of both versions (assuming the new parameter is not required or has a default value)
- If you need to remove an element, just delete the logic in web method that deals with that parameter – no need to change client (although it’s always good to keep client & server code in-sync)
- JSON is a more compact format than XML
NOTE: Since JSON supports nesting, you can create as complex data objects as need to.
If interested, you might want to visit my post SYSK 217 where I talked about an opposite problem -- processing a web service response using JSON.