SYSK 176: Recycling Only One Application Pool
iisreset command line utility is certainly a very useful tool for stopping a starting IIS. But if you need to recycle only one application pool either because want to minimally impact other running web applications, or you just want a faster reset time (e.g. running a series of test and want to “reset” the state), then iisapp is for you. Running this script without any arguments (cscript.exe c:\windows\system32\iisapp.vbs or just iisapp.vbs if cscript is your default WSH script host) will display information for all of the currently running web applications, identifying each application pool by its process ID (PID) and application pool ID (AppPoolID). To recycle only one application pool, use the /p followed by process id or /a followed by the pool name and /r command as follows:
cscript.exe c:\windows\system32\iisapp.vbs /p 2532 /r
cscript.exe c:\windows\system32\iisapp.vbs /a YourPoolName /r
August 17, 2006
This wont work on windows 2000 as there is no iisapp.vbs file in winntsystem32 folder. Also the flags wont work in win xp professional.Anonymous
August 17, 2006
Correct. The provided recommendation is for Windows 2003.Anonymous
September 07, 2006
Is this missing in pre SP1 2003?Anonymous
September 07, 2006
Not 100% sure, but I don't believe it requires SP1. In case you don't have the iisapp.vbs script, below are its contents:
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
' VBScript Source File
' Script Name: IIsApp.vbs
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
' Error codes
Const ERR_OK = 0
' Messages
Const L_Gen_ErrorMessage = "%1 : %2"
Const L_CmdLib_ErrorMessage = "Could not create an instance of the CmdLib object."
Const L_ChkCmdLibReg_ErrorMessage = "Please register the Microsoft.CmdLib component."
Const L_ScriptHelper_ErrorMessage = "Could not create an instance of the IIsScriptHelper object."
Const L_ChkScpHelperReg_ErrorMessage = "Please, check if the Microsoft.IIsScriptHelper is registered."
Const L_InvalidSwitch_ErrorMessage = "Invalid switch: %1"
Const L_NotEnoughParams_ErrorMessage = "Not enough parameters."
Const L_Query_ErrorMessage = "Error executing query"
Const L_Serving_Message = "The following W3WP.exe processes are serving AppPool: %1"
Const L_NoW3_ErrorMessage = "Error - no w3wp.exe processes are running at this time"
Const L_PID_Message = "W3WP.exe PID: %1"
Const L_NoResults_ErrorMessage = "Error - no results"
Const L_APID_Message = "W3WP.exe PID: %1 AppPoolId: %2"
Const L_NotW3_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: ProcessId specified is NOT an instance of W3WP.exe - EXITING"
Const L_PIDNotValid_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: PID is not valid"
Const L_Recycled_Message = "Application pool '%1' recycled successfully."
Const L_PoolDoesntExist_ErrorMessage = "Application pool '%1' does not exist."
Const L_Recycle_ErrorMessage = "Failed to recycle application pool '%1'."
Const L_WMIConnect_ErrorMessage = "Could not connect to WMI provider."
Const L_PIDNotFound_ErrorMessage = "Process ID %1 not found."
' Help
Const L_Empty_Text = ""
' General help messages
Const L_SeeHelp_Message = "Type IIsApp /? for help."
Const L_Help_HELP_General01_Text = "Description: list IIS application pools and associated worker processes."
Const L_Help_HELP_General02_Text = " Recycle application pools."
Const L_Help_HELP_General03_Text = "Syntax: IIsApp.vbs [{ /a <app_pool_id> | /p <pid> } [/r] ]"
Const L_Help_HELP_General04_Text = "Parameters:"
Const L_Help_HELP_General05_Text = ""
Const L_Help_HELP_General06_Text = "Value Description"
Const L_Help_HELP_General07_Text = "/a <app_pool_id> Specify an application pool by name. Surround"
Const L_Help_HELP_General08_Text = " <app_pool_id> with quotes if it contains spaces."
Const L_Help_HELP_General09_Text = " If used alone without an accompanying action,"
Const L_Help_HELP_General10_Text = " IIsApp.vbs will report PIDs of currently running"
Const L_Help_HELP_General11_Text = " w3wp.exe processes serving pool <app_pool_id>."
Const L_Help_HELP_General12_Text = "/p <pid> Specify a process by process ID. If used alone"
Const L_Help_HELP_General13_Text = " without an accompanying action, IIsApp.vbs will"
Const L_Help_HELP_General14_Text = " report the AppPoolId of the w3wp process specified"
Const L_Help_HELP_General15_Text = " by <pid>. When a PID is specified with /r, that PID"
Const L_Help_HELP_General16_Text = " is mapped to an application pool and the action is"
Const L_Help_HELP_General17_Text = " taken upon the application pool. If a PID is given"
Const L_Help_HELP_General18_Text = " for a web garden, i.e. an application pool served"
Const L_Help_HELP_General19_Text = " by more than one w3wp, then all w3wp’s for that"
Const L_Help_HELP_General20_Text = " application pool will be acted upon."
Const L_Help_HELP_General21_Text = "/r Recycles the application pool."
Const L_Help_HELP_General22_Text = "DEFAULT: no switches will print out the PID and AppPoolId."
Const L_Help_HELP_General23_Text = "Examples:"
Const L_Help_HELP_General24_Text = "IIsApp"
Const L_Help_HELP_General25_Text = "IIsApp /p 2368"
Const L_Help_HELP_General26_Text = "IIsApp /a DefaultAppPool /r"
Const L_Help_HELP_General27_Text = "IIsApp /p 2368 /r"
' Operation codes
Const OPER_BY_NAME = 1
Const OPER_BY_PID = 2
Const OPER_ALL = 3
' Main block
Dim oScriptHelper, oCmdLib
Dim intOperation, intResult
Dim strCmdLineOptions
Dim oError
Dim aArgs
Dim apoolID, PID
Dim oProviderObj
Dim bRecycle
' Default
intOperation = OPER_ALL
bRecycle = False
Const wmiConnect = "winmgmts:{(debug)}:/root/cimv2"
Const queryString = "select * from Win32_Process where Name='w3wp.exe'"
Const pidQuery = "select * from Win32_Process where ProcessId="
' get NT WMI provider
Set oProviderObj = GetObject(wmiConnect)
' Instantiate the CmdLib for output string formatting
Set oCmdLib = CreateObject("Microsoft.CmdLib")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo L_CmdLib_ErrorMessage
WScript.Echo L_ChkCmdLibReg_ErrorMessage
End If
Set oCmdLib.ScriptingHost = WScript.Application
' Instantiate script helper object
Set oScriptHelper = CreateObject("Microsoft.IIsScriptHelper")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo L_ScriptHelper_ErrorMessage
WScript.Echo L_ChkScpHelperReg_ErrorMessage
End If
Set oScriptHelper.ScriptHost = WScript
' Check if we are being run with cscript.exe instead of wscript.exe
' Command Line parsing
Dim argObj, arg
Set argObj = WScript.Arguments
strCmdLineOptions = "[a:a:1;r:recycle:0];[p:p:1;r:recycle:0]"
If argObj.Named.Count > 0 Then
Set oError = oScriptHelper.ParseCmdLineOptions(strCmdLineOptions)
If Not oError Is Nothing Then
If oError.ErrorCode = oScriptHelper.ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS Then
' Not enough arguments for a specified switch
WScript.Echo L_NotEnoughParams_ErrorMessage
WScript.Echo L_SeeHelp_Message
' Invalid switch
oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_InvalidSwitch_ErrorMessage, Array(oError.SwitchName)
WScript.Echo L_SeeHelp_Message
End If
End If
If oScriptHelper.GlobalHelpRequested Then
End If
For Each arg In oScriptHelper.Switches
Select Case arg
Case "a"
apoolID = oScriptHelper.GetSwitch(arg)
intOperation = OPER_BY_NAME
Case "p"
PID = oScriptHelper.GetSwitch(arg)
intOperation = OPER_BY_PID
Case "r"
bRecycle = True
End Select
End If
' Choose operation
Select Case intOperation
intResult = GetByPool(apoolID)
intResult = GetByPid(PID)
intResult = GetAllW3WP()
End Select
' Return value to command processor
' End Of Main Block
' DisplayHelpMessage
Sub DisplayHelpMessage()
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General01_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General02_Text
WScript.Echo L_Empty_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General03_Text
WScript.Echo L_Empty_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General04_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General05_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General06_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General07_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General08_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General09_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General10_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General11_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General12_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General13_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General14_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General15_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General16_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General17_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General18_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General19_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General20_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General21_Text
WScript.Echo L_Empty_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General22_Text
WScript.Echo L_Empty_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General23_Text
WScript.Echo L_Empty_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General24_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General25_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General26_Text
WScript.Echo L_Help_HELP_General27_Text
End Sub
Function GetAppPoolId(strArg)
Dim Submatches
Dim strPoolId
Dim re
Dim Matches
On Error Resume Next
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "-ap ""(.+)"""
re.IgnoreCase = True
Set Matches = re.Execute(strArg)
Set SubMatches = Matches(0).Submatches
strPoolId = Submatches(0)
GetAppPoolId = strPoolId
End Function
Function GetByPool(strPoolName)
Dim W3WPList
Dim strQuery
Dim W3WP
On Error Resume Next
If bRecycle Then
GetByPool = RecycleAppPool(strPoolName)
Exit Function
End If
strQuery = queryString
Set W3WPList = oProviderObj.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
WScript.Echo L_Query_ErrorMessage
oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Gen_ErrorMessage, Array(Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description)
GetByPid = 2
oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Serving_Message, Array(strPoolName)
If (W3WPList.Count < 1) Then
WScript.Echo L_NoW3_ErrorMessage
GetByPool = 1
For Each W3WP In W3WPList
If (UCase(GetAppPoolId(W3WP.CommandLine)) = UCase(strPoolName)) Then
oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_PID_Message, Array(W3WP.ProcessId)
End If
GetByPool = 0
End If
End If
End Function
Function GetByPid(pid)
Dim result, poolName
On Error Resume Next
result = GetPoolByPid(pid, poolName)
Select Case result
' Successful case
Case 0
If bRecycle Then
result = RecycleAppPool(poolName)
oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_APID_Message, Array(pid, poolName)
End If
' No process with such PID was found
Case &H80070002
oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_PIDNotFound_ErrorMessage, Array(pid)
' Pid should be a number
Case &H80070057
WScript.Echo L_PIDNotValid_ErrorMessage
' Process found, but it is not a worker process
Case &H8007000D
WScript.Echo L_NotW3_ErrorMessage
' Some error occurred
Case Default
WScript.Echo L_Query_ErrorMessage
oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Gen_ErrorMessage, Array(Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description)
End Select
GetByPid = result
End Function
Function GetPoolByPid( pid, ByRef poolName )
Dim W3WPList
Dim strQuery
Dim W3WP
On Error Resume Next
poolName = ""
If IsNumeric(pid) Then
strQuery = pidQuery & pid
Set W3WPList = oProviderObj.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
GetPoolByPid = Err.Number
If W3WPList.Count < 1 Then
GetPoolByPid = &H80070002
For Each W3WP In W3WPList
If UCase(W3WP.Name) = "W3WP.EXE" Then
poolName = GetAppPoolId(W3WP.CommandLine)
GetPoolByPid = 0
GetPoolByPid = &H8007000D
End If
End If
End If
GetPoolByPid = &H80070057
End If
End Function
Function GetAllW3WP()
Dim W3WPList
Dim strQuery
Dim W3WP
On Error Resume Next
strQuery = queryString
Set W3WPList = oProviderObj.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
WScript.Echo L_Query_ErrorMessage
oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Gen_ErrorMessage, Array(Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description)
GetByPid = 2
If (W3WPList.Count < 1) Then
WScript.Echo L_NoResults_ErrorMessage
GetAllW3WP = 2
For Each W3WP In W3WPList
oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_APID_Message, Array(W3WP.ProcessId, GetAppPoolId(W3WP.CommandLine))
GetAllW3WP = 0
End If
End If
End Function
Function RecycleAppPool(apoolID)
Dim PoolObj
On Error Resume Next
' Initializes authentication with remote machine
intResult = oScriptHelper.InitAuthentication(".", "", "")
If intResult <> 0 Then
RecycleAppPool = intResult
Exit Function
End If
If Err.Number Then
WScript.Echo L_WMIConnect_ErrorMessage
oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Gen_ErrorMessage, Array(Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description)
RecycleAppPool = Err.Number
Exit Function
End If
Set PoolObj = oScriptHelper.ProviderObj.Get("IIsApplicationPool='W3SVC/AppPools/" & apoolID & "'")
If Err.Number Then
If Err.Number = &H80070003 Then
oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_PoolDoesntExist_ErrorMessage, Array(apoolID)
oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Gen_ErrorMessage, Array(Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description)
End If
RecycleAppPool = Err.Number
Exit Function
End If
If Err.Number Then
oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Recycle_ErrorMessage, Array(apoolID)
oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Gen_ErrorMessage, Array(Hex(Err.Number), Err.Description)
RecycleAppPool = Err.Number
Exit Function
End If
oCmdLib.vbPrintf L_Recycled_Message, Array(apoolID)
RecycleAppPool = 0
End FunctionAnonymous
November 08, 2006
Mais il y a une autre possibilité bien sur. Pas que je masterise la notion de IISReset mais j'avoue queAnonymous
July 30, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
October 21, 2008
Marc T I am looking to do the same thing and you can use the PSEXEC command to run the script local to a remote machine. PSEXEC: I have one script called whatever.bat that calls the script ihatefruit.bat which has the command "cscript.exe C:WindowsSystem32iisapp.vbs /a <app_pool_name> /r" in it. Whatever.bat will look like this: psexec \servername1 - c ihatefruit.bat psexec \servername2 - c ihatefruit.bat psexec \servername3 - c ihatefruit.bat If you are logged in as an Domain Admin on the machine or an account with permissions on all remote machines, your credentials will be passed on and this will work fine.Anonymous
July 16, 2013
Hey guys i'm also trying to run it remotely using psexec but this is not working for me. But when i run it from that same very agent which i used from my build machine to do this it works fine. any help will be appreciated