Sun Joins Microsoft on JavaOne Stage in support of Apache Stonehenge Incubator Project
As the co-owners of the Microsoft portion of the project, Kent Brown and I would like to thank everybody for their support and share our excitement over the future of the Stonehenge project.
There has been a lot of speculation surrounding Microsoft keynoting at JavaOne, and what it could mean to the Java world. Well, now we know that the announcement will be made: Sun has now agreed to participate in the Stonehenge project and will be contributing the Metro-based StockTrader application code. Steven Martin has just posted a note where you’ll find more details on the keynote, and on the new agreement with Sun.
I’d just like to highlight the goals of Stonehenge : “While industry efforts like WS-* make interop possible, it still isn't always obvious or easy to figure out how to configure different products so that they actually interoperate […] Stonehenge will help us complete the “last mile” of interoperability between today’s standards-based infrastructure and tomorrow’s service-based applications.”
I’m really thrilled and looking forward to working with Sun on developing new Stonehenge interoperability scenarios.
Also, as I had hinted in my previous post, the M1 release of Stonehenge incubator project was reached last night. Congratulations to everyone on the Stonehenge team and a warm welcome to our friends from Sun Microssystems.
Additional Stonehenge materials:
- Apache Stonehenge, interoperability at work:
interoperability lab with contributed code, - Apache incubator project, Stonehenge: showcasing Web Services interoperability:
Introducing Stonehenge. - Stonehenge - StockTrader community project (SOA Interoperability) on the Microsoft Interoperability Bridges & Labs Center
Kamaljit Bath, Principal Program Manager
[Update 06/09: JavaOne Radio episode (20 min audio) is available: Chris Mellisinos talks to Steven Martin of Microsoft after the Microsoft General Session keynote address at JavaOne
June 10, 2009
This initiative to raise interoperability between Java and .NET is great and will definitely help organizations to bridge the gap between these two technologies There is however more to interoperability than just letting two system talk to each other. Don't forget the challenge of cross platform teams - error analysis and monitoring. I blogged my thoughts at <a href=""></a>Anonymous
August 16, 2009
It's a good news that Sun is now working with Microsoft to develop new Apache Stonehenge interoperability project. I'm following with great interest.Anonymous
September 23, 2009
That is great news to here that Sun will join Microsoft on the javeone stage.