Credential Roaming and NTDS.dit bloat
Following up on a previous post about Credential Roaming (aka DIMS):
With a recent DCR to Windows 7 & W2k8 R2 ( it is now possible to filter out specific types of credentials from the credentials that will roam to your AD database.
Post-hotfix default behaviour is to not roam unaffiliated keys, unused keys and smartcard certificates.
The caveats here are:
- This is a client-side fix for Windows 7 / Windows 2008 R2* - legacy clients will still roam the above keys.
- Implementing this fix on the client-side after the above keys have already been roamed to the AD Database will not remove them from the NTDS.dit file on the DC's (i.e. its a preventitive fix - not a reactive fix).
*this fix has been ported to W2k8/Vista since this post was written.
Further details:
AD DS database size increases significantly when the Credential Roaming feature is enabled in Windows 7 or in Windows Server 2008 R2