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Rescheduled: May Chat with the Internet Explorer

The May IE Chat has been rescheduled for Thursday, May 28st at 10.00 PST/17.00 UTC. We apologize for any inconveniences.  

As always transcripts of previous chats are available here.

See you next week!

Allison Burnett
Program Manager


  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2009
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2009
    Is this because Chris Wilson ditched the IE team because they just couldn't keep up with the Open Web? We'll certainly miss Chris he was one of the few you could count on for moving IE forward and getting it off the Proprietary path ASAP. Who will wear the red shirts now?

  • Anonymous
    May 21, 2009
    Good. Last month was the first time in about a year that I had to miss the chat due to other commitments. Today, same. Thanks for putting it off!

  • Anonymous
    May 21, 2009
    @Hank: Nothing so dramatic; the chat was rescheduled due to a conflict with another event.

  • Anonymous
    May 21, 2009
    @Hank:  Ha!  No, although the internal event that preempted this is one that I'm in on.

  • Anonymous
    May 23, 2009
    This is an in general comment on IE8 or rather what microsoft is doing on IE IE8 is good in terms of usability. Thanks to IE8 team but it is still far behind in speed and stability from other popular browser like Firefox anf Crome. I am unable to digest this fact that you guys are not working to improve speed and stabilty of IE8. Can;t you guys just start working on new rendering and javascript engine(i don't think given the talent pool MS has,it is diffcult for them to accomplish this) and side by side improving existing "rident" engine. becoz right now people loves to hate IE when it comes to speed and stability. Thanks Anuj

  • Anonymous
    May 23, 2009
    Good. Last month was the first time in about a year that I had to miss the chat due to other commitments. Today, same. Thanks for putting it off!

  • Anonymous
    May 24, 2009
    You are probably still wrapping up the IE8 release, continue to work on IE8 for Windows 7 and such. Yet nonetheless, are there any rough plans when the development of IE9 will start and how long it is supposed to take? IE8 has brought solid CSS support, but there is still a lot left to be desired for future releases, like SVG and canvas support, long-requested DOM fixes, Javascript language additions or implementation of at least a few more parts of CSS3 (like media queries for screen resolutions, the :target selector, child selectors or rounded corners).

  • Anonymous
    May 24, 2009
    You should fix the remaining rendering issues - there are some bad ones when interacting with the dom and javascript with vertical alignment. Also, the performance of updating and redrawing DOM nodes is terrible in all versions of IE.

  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2009
    IE9 requirements/requests 1.) Native SVG support. 2.) Native Canvas support. 3.) W3C Event Listeners. 4.) HTTP Referrer passed on EVERY GOSH DARN REQUEST REGARDLESS IF JAVASCRIPT INITIATED IT 5.) HTML Markup returned in NON CaMeLcAsEd=UnQuotedAttribute UnClosed Tag Soup format 6.) DOM Constants honoured 7.) InnerHTML support on EVERY SINGLE HTML Element without failure 8.) CSS rounded corners 9.) Proper CSS Opacity - none of this proprietary half-working filter garbage 10.) selectionStart/selectionEnd properties on elements (e.g. TextAreas) We can argue these as requirements or requests all you want but developers out there that Expect a real browser to support these (which they do!) get seriously ticked off when IE fails to even show up at the dinner party.

  • Anonymous
    May 26, 2009
    Little need for svg or canvas but improving script and DOM should be a priority for IE9. In a news item I found this blog post on XSS scripting issues with IE8. What does this mean for the protection against XSS attacks trough IE8 ? Since I can't be present at the chat someone might ask ?

  • Anonymous
    May 27, 2009
    @hAl: Thanks for your feedback.  Lots of folks are interested in all 4 of these. Regarding the article on XSS you've pointed to, it's important to understand that XSS is a almost always a bug in server-side code, not client-side code. Hence, it's not really correct to say that there's an XSS issue with IE, but rather more correct to say that sites with XSS problems may remain vulnerable in IE8 if they suffer from a specific type of XSS problem and fail to take basic measures to prevent XSS. The general idea is that a site may try to prevent XSS flaws in itself by sanitizing user input on the server side.  However, if the filtration code is not diligent, it might be possible for an attacker to bypass server-side XSS filtration by forcing the browser to render the page within a specific character set (UTF-7 being a common one).  The idea is that the server's filter might decide to permit injection of characters which are "safe" within the server-expected character set (say the default of Windows1252) but are not safe within another character set (e.g. UTF-7).   In IE8, we did some attack-surface reduction work to prevent the "inheritence" of a character set across frames of a different domain (say, an outer page at hosting a subframe at  In the past, if the outer page is using UTF-7, the subframe will default to UTF-7 if-and-only-if it fails to specify its desired character set (via the META tag or HTTP header).  In IE8, this character set inheritence is blocked by default unless both frames are served from the same domain.  As noted in the article, there is a limitation in that logic that would allow such inheritence to occur despite the IE8 attack surface reduction change. I am not aware of any real-world site that actually is affected by this limitation, as it requires the server to have two specific flaws. As noted previously, the server is still entirely able to protect itself: 1> By using a solid XSS filtration strategy for any user-supplied input 2> By specifying a character set in the HTTP header or META tag. (Using the HTTP header is slightly preferable for performance reasons). The new "Watcher" passive security auditor for Fiddler ( will flag any pages which fail to follow best practice #2 so that they can be updated.

  • Anonymous
    May 27, 2009
    Just wanted to respond to a couple of people RE: the Canvas element. I did a bit of digging around at Microsoft myself and wrote a little article about it: The chat sounds interesting, I will try and get on at 10:00. If any of you are in the Boston area and you are interested, I will be giving a talk about the Canvas at Microsoft on June the 11th. Details will appear here on the 28th:

  • Anonymous
    May 27, 2009
    Hi, Would like to know if the zooming using touch gesture for IE8 in XP or Vista is supported? I have a HP TouchSmart TX2 using N-Trig software to enable to touch gesture. I'm able to zoom using touch gesture in Firefox/IE7 in Vista. But in IE8 installed in Vista, as soon as I initiate the zoom gesture, it auto zoom to 15% and can't bring up the zoom level 100% using the touch gesture. The only way to bring the zoom percentage to normal is to touch the lower right zoom button or use keyboard zoom shortcut (CTRL+arrow up or down/CTRL+mouse scroll). I wish to ask this question in the scheduled chat but unfortunately, in my timezone, it's 1am... Hope someone can help me ask this question:

  1. Is zoom touch gesture supported in IE8 installed on Vista/XP? Thanks.
  • Anonymous
    May 27, 2009 Load this into IE8 and check it out.

  • Anonymous
    May 28, 2009
    @acali: Support for touch gestures in IE can only be found in Windows 7 (and perhaps future releases of the OS). This is because, for the first time, touch gestures are built into the OS (Windows 7). Please check out the Windows 7 Touch team's blog post here to see all the cool new functionality that Windows 7 supports:

  • Anonymous
    May 28, 2009
    HTML5, that page doesn't appear to work in Chrome 2, Firefox 3.5b4, or IE8.  Was that your point?

  • Anonymous
    May 28, 2009
    Hey, how long to these chats last on average? They start at 10AM (which is 1PM over here), and I get home at around 2:30, which seems to be too late for me....

  • Anonymous
    May 29, 2009
    Very good, but still the speed of IE8 did not satisfy me .. such as Opera and Firefox browsers obviation need fast.

  • Anonymous
    May 29, 2009
    I've missed 3 or 4 of the last chats because the timing is horrible. Can you please provide some flexibility in the timing of the chats so others can participate? In addition, a widget on the IE blog or an RSS feed for the chats would be very handy so that we don't all of a sudden realize an hour or two late that the chat has occurred.

  • Anonymous
    May 29, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 29, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 29, 2009
    We received an interesting question in yesterday's IE Expert Zone chat : now that Vista SP2 is out ,