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IE team Chat Wednesday, FireStarter event Thursday

Just a quick reminder that we’ve got two great opportunities for you to interact with the IE team this week. 

Tomorrow, March 25th at 10.00 PDT/17.00 UTC is the Expert Zone chat.  This is our first chat since IE8 released and we are excited to hear what you think and answer your questions.

Thursday, March 26th is the Internet Explorer 8 FireStarter event.  This is a full day of talks and discussions about IE8.  Everyone is invited to attend either in person or via Live Meeting.  

Sharon Cohen
Program Manager


  • Make IE save web pages without modal dialogs delaying your work.
  • Make IE save web pages without messages saying "This webpage could not be saved". Why is that ? It loaded it fine. Why can't save it ?
  • Password save confirmaion shouldn't stop page load.
  • You should provide a better way to save/load sessions. This one is really ugly.
  • It would be better if all new tabs opened next to the current tab and not at the end of the list.
  • The start page should contain some of your favourite web pages thumbnail-links (like in Opera).
  • Anonymous
    March 24, 2009
    ... to add a built-in download manager. IE Pro does no good. Also make Ctrl+S save the webpage.

  • Anonymous
    March 24, 2009
    ... make IE remember the last saving format (now it's *.mht all the time). A feature for page link extraction would be nice too.

  • Anonymous
    March 25, 2009
    ...u should add a "paste & go" option in the context menu of the address bar. Come on... be inventive (for the time being copying other browsers features should do...)!

  • Anonymous
    March 25, 2009
    IE8.... A big step for Microsoft and a small step for mankind. Can't believe they ignored "opacity" css request over and over again. And by the way, if you think ACID2 is a big deal, ACID3 is today's game. Think Opera and see the ACID3 result.

  • Anonymous
    March 25, 2009
    Does anyone have a copy of the chat? I missed the chat due to a meeting and I'd rather not wait 2-3 weeks for the "edited" version. thanks.

  • Anonymous
    March 25, 2009
    Hi in ie (all versions) when a page fully loaded and you want to save the page,although page has been fully loaded but ie start downloading whole the page from source you will see this scence which really bugs me.cuz in it takes time to download the page again and if you have open multiple tabs you cannot access them until this window vanish. is there a way to tell the ie to save the page from the cache? one of the reason that most of user don't use ie is like this I mean this : plz inform me if there is trick for this problem      

  • Anonymous
    March 26, 2009
    @steve_web The chat transscript is already up (amazing) Interesting items I found:

  • explanation of restricted sites issues
  • IE8 RTW is not vunerable for exploit in pwn2own hackcontest