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Get Windows Vista RC1 !!

Windows Vista Release Candidate 1 (RC1) is now available for you to download, or you may order the DVD by mail. If you haven’t already done so, it’s time to begin evaluating and testing Windows Vista.


Top 10 Things to Try with Windows Vista Beta RC1

Here are just a few of the top things you can do to evaluate Windows Vista Beta RC1 for your School or University, plan your deployment, and make yourself more productive. If you have been awaiting a release candidate to start your testing, that time is now.

Windows Deployment Services Update Step-by-Step Guide

This Step-by-Step Guide is an introduction to the Microsoft® Windows® Deployment Services update for Microsoft Windows Server 2003. It includes an overview of features, scenarios you can use to test Windows Deployment Services, and details about the technology.

Windows Vista Security and Data Protection Improvements

Security threats evolve constantly. To stay protected from threats on the Internet and wireless networks, the Microsoft Windows client operating system must also evolve. Windows Vista is the most secure and trustworthy Windows operating system yet, and it will help organizations achieve their business and computing goals with confidence. This paper describes the most significant security improvements, the benefits they provide, and why the new features matter to IT professionals.

Step-by-Step Guide to Device Driver Signing and Staging

This step-by-step guide uses a sample device and driver to demonstrate how to securely deliver device driver packages to client computers in a lab environment so that a standard user can install them without any assistance from an administrator or user interface prompts.

Windows PowerShell RC1

Windows PowerShell RC1 Documentation Pack

It’s official. "Monad" has a real name all its own: Windows PowerShell. As if that weren’t big enough news, you can now download Windows PowerShell RC1 and the Windows PowerShell RC1 Documentation Pack and take it out for a test drive.