List all the VMs hosted on a specific SAN array
Hey everyone,
While preparing for my TechReady session, I reached out to a fellow dev on the team to help me craft a script to list all the VMs hosts on a specific SAN array. This is what he came back with. Thanks Erwien!
($array = Get-SCStorageArray | where {$_.Name -eq "FAS2040-SCVMM"}) | fl Name, TotalCapacity, IsCloneCapable, IsSnapshotCapable, IsSanTransferCapable, StoragePools
($pools = $array.StoragePools | where {$_.IsManaged -eq $True}) | fl Name, TotalManagedSpace, Classification, StorageLogicalUnits
$luns = @()
foreach ($pool in $pools) {
$assignedLuns = $pool.StorageLogicalUnits | where {$_.IsAssigned -eq $True -and $_.HostDisks.Count -ne 0}
$luns += $assignedLuns
$vmHosts = @()
$disks = @()
foreach($lun in $luns) {
$vmHost = $lun.HostDisks[0].VMHost
if ($vmHosts -notcontains $vmHost) {
$vmHosts += $vmHost
foreach($disk in $lun.HostDisks) {
if ($disks -notcontains $disk) {
$disks += $disk
$vms = @()
foreach($vmHost in $vmHosts) {
if($vmHost -ne $null) {
$vms += Get-VM -VMHost $vmHost
$vmWithArray = @()
foreach($vm in $vms) {
foreach($passthroughDisk in $vm.PassThroughDisks) {
if ($disks -contains $passthroughDisk) {
$vmWithArray += $vm
foreach($vdd in $vm.VirtualDiskDrives | where {$_.IsVHD}) {
$vhd = $vdd.VirtualHardDisk
if ($vhd.HostVolume -ne $null -and $vhd.HostVolume.StorageDisk -ne $null) {
if (($disks -contains $vhd.HostVolume.StorageDisk) -and
($vmWithArray -notcontains $vm)) {
$vmWithArray += $vm
$vmWithArray | fl Name, VMHost