Want to add more marketing goodness to your day?
MarketingSherpa is holding it's blog awards again. And while I couldn't be bothered to vote (having an opinion can be exhausting), I reviewed their nominees and added some to my blog reader. It's an interesting list (and proof that blog traffic does not equate to value as some of those blogs have very few readers, yet are interesting none the less).
I also found out a few things about myself:
I get some delight in my policy not to subscribe to any blogs that ask for my vote. That's democracy in action.
When I created a folder for "marketing blogs" in my blog reader, it occurred to me that I should create another folder for blogs I should be ashamed to read. Who knew Brittney Spears could be so entertaining?
- Anonymous
June 20, 2006
"I get some delight in my policy not to subscribe to any blogs that ask for my vote. That's democracy in action."
wow. good rule. kind of simplifies things for you, doesn't it? and ... britney spears ... she just gets entertaining by the day (especially when she drives ... hehehe) - Anonymous
June 20, 2006
Britney Spears' blog? Talk about a guilty pleasure...kind of like how I used to watch Party of 5. I try not to talk about it too much though. :- - Anonymous
June 20, 2006
Heather, Harry Joiner at Marketing Headhunter asked for readers' votes and he's a nice guy with a good blog. So, your policy, to some extent, is like shooting yourself in the foot. - Anonymous
June 21, 2006
That's funny... I have a couple of blogs on del.icio.us as "not shared" for the same reason. :) - Anonymous
June 21, 2006
Paul, yep. It just turns me off a blog when they ask for votes. Like campaigning for a popularity contest.
tod-really? Party of 5? Ahh, I'm just teasing. It's OK. I won't tell anyone.
Lisa, I'm sure we all have them. The first step is admitting you have a problem ; ) I still have the Britney interview on my Tivo. - Anonymous
June 22, 2006
so uh... how do you usually pick your presidential candidates?
(!!!!vote SEL as most excellent SEM BLOG!!!)
http://www.searchenginelowdown.com/2006/06/big-thanks-to-marketingsherpa-readers.html - Anonymous
June 22, 2006
There are marketing bloggers running for president? - Anonymous
June 22, 2006
I will be running for president in 2008.
plus: http://www.blogforamerica.com/ - Anonymous
June 22, 2006
Only one shameless link drop per reader please - Anonymous
June 22, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
June 22, 2006
haha...good use of the quasi-word "Hongry". If nothing else, you are funny. I just don't like asking for votes..people should vote because they like the blog, not because someone asked them to. Just a personal preference and probably the reason why i don't win anything. That and the fact that I'm not Hongry.
As for taking time off, I hope you are joking! You just visit my blog a few times and then break up with me so heartlessly? You're toxic, I'm slipping under. - Anonymous
June 22, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
June 22, 2006
Hmm, none of which explains why I wasn't nominated. Rats! - Anonymous
June 22, 2006
How on EARTH did I miss this string? This is hilarious! Thanks goodness for late nights and cold beer! - Anonymous
June 23, 2006
Harry, now we know how you spend your evenings!
Garrett and I are going to take our show on the road. Right Garrett?