Retail alphabet game
On A is for Advertising...I thought I would be good at this but I can't get more than 4 or 5. Have fun out there.
PS: I just ate some cheese stuff that is past it's freshness date and really stinky. If you never see me blog again, just know that it wasn't you, it was the cheese stuff.
- Anonymous
July 12, 2005
Cheese is best when it's 'really stinky', the stinkier the better in my opinion. My neighbour & I take delight (in a competitive way) in producing the stinkiest Camemberts when we go to each others houses for dinner. Think of it as maturing, like a good wine.
Of course some cheeses you don't want stinky. Edam would be one. I hope that it was the former type you had.
Andrew - Anonymous
July 13, 2005
Hope your more "cultured" after eating the cheese! ;-)
I was able to get nine of them (on 4th edition) before I accidentally closed the window! :-(
I'll try again later. BTW, would be cool if you could sign-in and save what you've done so far. - Anonymous
July 13, 2005
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
July 13, 2005
Jonathan-I got c,h,r,s,t,v,x,z. There are a few that are haunting me. I agree that it could be great if you could come back to it by logging in. I have a mental picure of some of them and I'll keep htinking about them until I figure it out. - Anonymous
July 14, 2005
We should compare notes, since we each have some that are different from the other.
I've got b,c,g,m,s,t,v,y,z
I've been going back and trying to figure out the others. Kinda like a Rubik's Cube, tough yet addicting. - Anonymous
July 14, 2005
I'm not ready for hints yet. I'm still determined to figure i tout on my own! ; )