Recruiting Professionals Helping Katrina Impacted Residents
My buddy Gerry Crispin is doing a tour of the South with some recruiters in a Winnebago (great image, huh?) to help people impacted by Katrina. The great thing about Gerry is he looks at how his HR industry expertise can be used to assist people and he also looks at how he can just help. He sent me the picture below as they rolled into Nashville yesterday. What you can expect from Gerry is to hear about the experience from his personal perspective, but also what it means for the staffing industry and companies (for example, the dotjobs domain). I was skeptical at first thinking that a bunch of recruiters offering to help people write their resumes might be met with less then enthusiasm. Gerry is trying to move the needle in big and small ways (from generating PR to volunteering via a volunteer hotline).
Right now, they're trying to get a sense of the people situation; where people are, their backgrounds, what they need to get them back into the workforce, etc. Let me link to some of his posts:
The Katrina Dilemma: Fantasizing About a Solution
Ramping Up with Concrete Ideas
Giving "preference" to Katrina Victims Means What?
To keep up with Gerry's travels, watch his blog. Go, Gerry, go!