No more celebrating...I need rest!
OK, first of all, Happy Birthday to me! Yay, I'm finally 29! Oh and for that guy that doesn't get sarcasm but totally does get rude comments "<wink><wink><sarcasm>"...happy now?
This holiday was definitely busier than most and I have my awesome neighbor-friends to thank for that. I decided not to travel this holiday. I'd traveled enough this year, hitting Miami, NYC, LA and Phoenix since the beginning of September and the idea of staying at home *really* appealed to me. My travel schedule, combined with that trying snow storm and then that trying power-outage. Yeah. I felt some serious nesting coming on. I could have totally done the ceremonial opening of the spaghetti sauce jar but my neighbors would have none of that and I am glad that they encouraged me to be social. I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with friends; the best part being watching kids rip into their presents. Who knew that Dora the Explorer was such a big deal? Also, it seems that princesses are big this year. And video games. I'm super fortunate to have the best neighbor-friends (that's my new word for my neighbors) ever.
The goal for today is the avoid any opportunity for actually celebrating my birthday. Saying "Happy Birthday" is one thing, but actually *doing* something is pretty much out of the question. First of all, I am not a birthday-celebrating kind of gal. The idea of celebrating my own birthday makes me uncomfortable. I think it's because deep down I am a little shy and not really that comfortable drawing much attention to myself for something as frivolous as a birthday celebration. Second, I am kind of sick of food right now. My normally healthy eating habits make me perfectly unequipped to deal with the onslaught of sugary/creamy/rich holiday food. Today is about drinking lots of water and eating salads. My system would like to return to its normal state. Anyway, thanks to the friends that have wanted to celebrate my birthday (I appreciate the thought) and for understanding why it just isn't going to happen. Blame my parents who were always too tired in the 26th to really make the birthday thing work...I understand. I'm tired too.
The one thing I have typically done on the 26th is gone shopping. At the holidays, given that my birthday was close at hand, I could always count on a gift check under the tree and what better day to spend it than the biggest sale day ever? This year, I don't have the heart to brave the crowds. I'm known in the neighborhood as quite the internet shopper ("is that brown truck stopping at her house again today?") so I'm doing the sale shopping in my own way; by buying the set of dishes I want for my new kitchen on sale at Pottery Barn online. What a sense of satisfaction I get from actually exercising enough patience to wait for them to go on sale (a challenge for me)! Yeah, this holiday break has been quite busy with online shopping. When that delivery truck stops, you never know what you may have bought online and then forgot about.
Anyway, I will likely do some more blogging this week, but didn't want to forget to wish everyone a Happy and Safe New Year!
December 26, 2006
Happy Birthday Heather! 29 is a great age... ;-)Anonymous
December 26, 2006
Happy Birthday! I hope you are having a great birthday and get everything you want. I know it must be wired to have a birthday so close to Christmas. I have a friend whose birthday is the Week before Christmas and growing up his parents would always celebrate his half-birthday in June so that he could have a “real” party.Anonymous
December 26, 2006
Happy belated birthday and I hope the UPS truck is in today . Happy and healthy new year to you too.Anonymous
December 26, 2006
Heather, Many Many Happy returns of the day...!!!!!!!! & Wish you a Happy and Prosperous New year 2007.. bye bhaskarAnonymous
December 26, 2006
Happy Birthday, Heather! (I really don't get the point of age inflation.)Anonymous
December 26, 2006
Aww, thanks you guys! That's nice! Lauren - if you are pretending you think I am younger than 29, then bless you! : )Anonymous
December 26, 2006
Happy Birthday! [I would have guessed 27, but now the cat's out of the bag] :]Anonymous
December 26, 2006
Belated happy b'day Heather. I can sooo relate to having a birthday during a rather festive period! Always seems like a non event for everyone! And it sure seems unfair that on one designated day in the year you all of a sudden seem to grow a WHOLE YEAR older! Cheers n keep smiling, kr.Anonymous
December 27, 2006
Happy birthday, Heather! I'm sure the stores online will be having great sales as well. I hear you about eating healthy! I think our New Years resolutions kicked in today; I feel like you could have rolled me to work.Anonymous
December 27, 2006
H2. Happy Birthday a bit late! As the proud parent of 3 under 5, I can confirm Dora and the Princesses are indeed quite the deal. A local writer is absolutly sure that Disney is out to conquer the world one 3 year old at a time with the Disney Princess thing. By Noon Monday my house was awash in Ariel, Jasmine, Aurora and Belle dolls, clothes, toys and accessories. The only thing that kept me sane was 4 hours of building slot car track for the boy. I am thrilled to be back at work in order to get some rest before the traditional "stay up late to eat S'Mores and Popcorn while watching an animated film in our sleeping bags fest" at the Burris house. All the best wishes for a successful, prosperous and most importantly fulfilling New Year. DougAnonymous
December 27, 2006
Really? 29? WOW--that makes me 47! Hope you had a happy day! Many happy visits from the UPS man.Anonymous
December 27, 2006
Happy Birthday Hamilton! Hope you're having a nice relaxing day at home with Jonas. I'm writing this, happily ensconced in a relaxing common space in my work building :). Yep, came into work today. Looks like you got some flurries in Redmond last night!Anonymous
December 27, 2006
Happy Birthday Heather! You look too old to be 29. Is t his a joke?Anonymous
December 27, 2006
Happy 29th Heather! I hope you had a great day enjoying the peace, quiet, lack of crowds and not going to the Airport. Have an awesome 2007. BTW, I stopped at celebrating birthdays at 33, just this year I celebrated my 18th 33rd birthday. They keep getting better. ;) SteveAnonymous
December 27, 2006
Happy Birthday! Interesting triva, today was the 100th anniversary of the screening of the first motion picture in 1906.Anonymous
December 28, 2006
I applaud your parents for resisting the temptation to name you "Carol" or "Holly." ... 39 and holdingAnonymous
December 28, 2006
Happy b-day and the standard holiday salutations Heather!Anonymous
December 28, 2006
Thanks all of, except Rupert. : )Anonymous
December 28, 2006
Happy Birthday HH! Another year older and another year wiser. Here is to a very good 2007 to you and Jonas.Anonymous
December 29, 2006
Well, older at least : ) Thanks Patblue!Anonymous
December 31, 2006
I'm sorry for offending you. Sometimes I take things literelly.Anonymous
January 03, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
January 04, 2007
Thanks Tim! I'm getting there...starting to feel normal again (that's normal for me, not in general).Anonymous
January 07, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
January 08, 2007
Yeah, I'm content with having a non-wimpering birthday too at tis point. Even when other people want to celebrate, I just don't.