Love this: periodic table of marketing
Built by the Kolbrener Branding Agency
Love the idea, love the colors. I see something like this and wonder "how can I use it for recruiting?". Simple: it's a keyword list of marketing terms that recruiters can use to find prospect. And it's a keyword list of marketing terms that job seekers can use on their resumes. One of the challenges recruiting for marketing is that that the taxonomy can be rather loose; there are a number of terms one can use to describe a certain activity. Whereas, in the tech space, C++ is C++. Anyway, this is a good tool for defining a common taxonomy, or at least a popular taxonomy, for resume building.
Plus, it's pretty.
September 26, 2007
I think it would be very easy to use for marketing. As a fellow web marketer/PM , this table is a good tool to use to ensure you are up to speed on all the latest terms and trends. Helps with buzzwords too for the resume and lingo :)Anonymous
September 26, 2007
I really love your chart! I'm always tweaking my resume, and I have a website, so marketing really means a lot to me. Also, my wife is a chemist, I'm sure it will give her a chuckle.Anonymous
September 26, 2007
hey, i have been reading urre blogs for over 4 months now, this is my 1st post, im applying to Microsoft India, delhi, im about to complete my Masters in Advertising and Marketing management, what accourding to you sould i go for in MS?/ the best suited dept,?? plz help thanxAnonymous
September 26, 2007
Wine-Oh, makes sense Dave, your wife may wonder why marketers have to make everything so difficult :) Ashish, that is a decision that you have to make. I don't know you so you'll have to decide that for yourself! Good luck though!Anonymous
October 01, 2007
Maybe I've been living in my office too long, but this is one of the most creative things I've seen in a while. Wow, I'd use these folks because they had the creativity to come up with it.Anonymous
October 01, 2007
I know, right? They even e-mailed me and thanked me for posting it. Subtle geniuses :) And just to prove that we share mucho DNA with monkeys, the pretty colors were a big part of what attracted my atttention. But the Kolbrener folks already probably knew that.