I think Microsoft is building me my own patio...I could be wrong
Wish I brought my digital camera today. My new office has a nice sunny window (morning sun...my favorite kind) with garbage dumpsters outside (how do you type that sound they make on game shows when you lose....wah-wah-wah-wahhhhhh). Where my office sits today used to be the cafeteria for the building (hence the need for big garbage receptacles). Amazing how quickly they turned open space into shiny new offices. Anyway, any window is good, but I've been waiting for those dumpsters to go away. They installed entrance doors right around the corner, so surely the dumpsters will go.
So today, leaning up against the dumpsters, still wrapped in plastic are some cool looking canvas cafe umbrellas. Could I be so lucky? Is it possible that the dumpster garden is going to be replaced with tables and umbrellas? Right outside my office? And my team won't have to pile into my office for happy-hour? Sweet! This could be my best office yet!
Oh also, I'm going to be a rebel and do without the dusty white board and the cluttery cork board in my office...it's looking more and more like home.
PS: I'm taking a looong weekend. Out after today and back on Wednesday so there will be no blogging while I am oof (Microsoft speak for out of the office).
- Anonymous
June 30, 2005
Wow, sounds cool that they're building a patio next to you, unless someone else up the "food chain" is reading this....acckkk....I hope they don't move you again?????
Perhaps you could request a flat-panel and link into the Corbis (http://www.corbis.com) website....then you'll always have instant ______. You want to go to Bora-Bora? Corbis can take you there. You want to be on the edge of the 18th green at Pebble Beach? Corbis can take you there. You want Jessica Simpson's hair? (Corbis......wait, I guess they can't do that)
Anyway, any view is good when you have a job. Consider the plight of the woman whose $251,000,000 typo got her the view of the front door....permanently. See here http://msnbc.msn.com/id/8382753/?GT1=6657
Have a great time off Heather!
~ Jonathan - Anonymous
June 30, 2005
I kind of remember oof was the abbreviation for 'out of facility', wasnt it?
But I am not sure about the oo part, maybe that meant something else, too.
Anyways, you making a picture of the garbage and cafe, so we readers can appreciate the before-after effect more? :) - Anonymous
June 30, 2005
Jonathan---I promise that my blogging will never get me in that much trouble. Sam- "out of office feature"...actually the name of the tool in outlook that you used to use to set your calendar to show you out. Incidentally, mystery solved. We now have 4 new rooftop patios...unbelievable. We are already working on figuring out how to move happy hours up there. I'll take pics soon. I'm not giving up hope that the garbage cans will be moved. - Anonymous
July 04, 2005
great sound effects. hope the oof was good. :) - Anonymous
July 07, 2005
Oh my word. This astounds me. Your very own patio (or shared patio). Some people have all the luck. For my seven year anniversary at Microsoft, I received an office mate. In fact everyone on our team is now doubled. Can I come sit on your patio? - Anonymous
July 07, 2005
Of course Pat, I'll even bring you a beer