I guess the fact that my blogging activity has been sporadic lately has not gone unnoticed. Our upcoming Finance Networking Event ended up being A LOT more work than I had anticipated. It had been at least 6 months since I had come in on a weekend and the last few weekends found my rear-end in my seat here (just 4-5 hours, not the whole weekend), just trying to keep up with the volume.
That's the thing with my current job. I am trying new things and sometimes how I think things will go aren't how they go. We've had some extenuating circumstances (a team member out sick) that has caused me to take on a more operational role with this event (I sent out all the invitations, responded to all the inquiries...sent about 250 e-mails in one day!). That being said, I know now that my mistake was not identifying a need for more resources to support the event and not driving for more accountability by others. Frankly, it was a painful lesson (late nights, no time for any other projects), but it's getting under control. I'll know better next time, trust me! Anyway, there's such significant interest from our finance hiring community in the event that it's going to be great. I'll feel better when it's over and deemed a success though.
So I think that all the activity related to the event has side lined my blogging. Sorry. I was going to tell you that the fact that I'll be in the Bay Area next week was going to make my blogging even more sporadic, but I'll be spending the first 2 days at the CareerXRoads Colloquium and attending this colloquium gets me thinking about stuff that is really blogable. The rest of the week is work and R&R.
So I haven't lost interest in the blog...just decided not to cut into my personal time to do it ; ) I'm back.