OneCare and Soapbox
Great to see things keep moving around our Live services. Finally - yes I was getting tired of waiting - OneCare is available in Belgium. I found it personally hard to accept that because of my system language, I couldn't get started with OneCare. My dear colleagues in Redmond, there are people living elsewhere too and we also need to deal with security.
But no more nagging, I installed it yesterday on my mother's PC and that went very smoothly. I just need to find out where I can buy a prepaid card to register it. Anyone? At the moment, my mother still has the orange 1 in the system tray because I didn't install IE7 yet. I will do that over the weekend - it's not just installing IE7, it's also explaining IE7 :-) - and then she'll have a comforting green 1. The cool thing is that now I don't need to worry any more about which security products I need to install to cover all types of threats: malware, spyware, virusses, worms... I don't need to worry whether I need, Defender, Antispyware... Just one complete package.
I also saw that Soapbox opened up. Cool. It's nice when things just work ;-)
October 11, 2006
Hans, After reading this, I tried to install OneCare (the 90 day trial version), but it still refused to install because my system language is Dutch. I would be very happy if you could post a link to the version that is supposed to work. Thanks.Anonymous
October 11, 2006
Weird and annnoying. Did you try from this link?
October 13, 2006
Change the language settings of your Internet Explorer browser to en-US or en-GB to get the english version. Start IE -> Tools -> Internet Options -> Tab General -> Options -> Add -> English (United States) [en-US] -> OK -> Make sure that en-US is the topmost language. Restart IE and try it again.