New Microsoft Sites…
I don’t know why but today I saw quite a few announcements of some new sites or Microsoft technologies or new community sites.
- IIS 7
- cleaned-up version
- upgraded to Community Server 2.1
- Architecture for developers
I particularly like the Skyscraper site. This site is about everything the developer wanted to know about architecture but never dared to ask. I really thing this rocks. Especially the ARCast section. Ron Jacobs is real star. Is till remember very well the first presentation of him I attended. It was at the Windows Server 2003 DevCon in Seattle. During his session, Ron said at least 20 times ‘oh, and my name is Ron Jacobs’. That was hilarious. So good I never dared to repeat that joke in one of my own presentations – yes, all the other ones were stolen, all of them.
This post is about: IIS7, ASP.NET and software architecture
June 14, 2006
J-O Eriksson is in the Community Server ZONE, today describing how to add a User Role graphic, like theAnonymous
November 22, 2006 . From the home page, "Skyscrapr is your window on the architectural perspective. DiscoverAnonymous
March 12, 2007 . From the home page, "Skyscrapr is your window on the architectural perspective. Discover