Other Microsoft blogs worthy of your eyeballs…
The Dynamics GP team could not be more excited with the large audience this blog has amassed since our launch last month! We have seen a considerable and rapid increase in both web views and RSS subscribers lately, so a big THANK YOU goes out to all you GP Insiders for joining our small corner of the web. One reason for this success has been the help of a number of other blogs who have pointed people in our direction.
One of those blogs is BlogMS, a site dedicated to consolidating all of the “official” Microsoft blogs into one location so users interested in more than just one MSFT blog could easily peruse postings from one central place. This blog posts a weekly update that allows the reader to scan through all blogs posted that week in a very short period of time, picking out the articles of specific interest, and then by clicking on the link to access the full article on the team blog. They also have compiled a detailed list of the Microsoft product group blogs, which you can find here.
One of my favorite posts from this blog is the “Resource Guide to Free Microsoft Software and Online Services.” You’ll find TONS of cool and useful software here. They’ll continue to update and maintain this guide as new software is available, so check it often! I’ve added a link to this blog on our site as it is a great resource for ANY customer using Microsoft products.
I’d be a fool not to mention a couple other blogs that have definitely helped us attract a larger audience to this blog. The “Developing for Dynamics GP” blog is a WONDERFUL resource targeted at the technical and developer community around Dynamics GP, and is one of the MOST viewed blogs in the Microsoft blogosphere. Definitely worth your time to check out if you have any technical interests in Dynamics GP! The other one I want to mention is the “US Microsoft Dynamics GP Field Team” blog. Jeff does a wonderful job of pushing out relevant updates and announcements regarding Dynamics GP and other topics relevant to our customers and partners. This blog too has a HUGE following and has been a big help spreading all of the great things happening in the GP community!
Be sure to check these blogs out when you have the chance!