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MED-V V2: How to Enable Advanced Logging

In MED-V V2 all events logs are stored on the MED-V Host (Windows 7) and the MED-V Guest (Windows XP) using the “MEDV” event log. By default the event logs are set to Error and Warning events. Additional Debug level logging can be enabled via the registry in both the guest and the host by navigating to
the following key on both the host and the guest:


Set the “EventLogLevel” value to “4”

(You will need to create this value as a DWORD value.)

This can be enabled on both the host and the guest operating systems. Once enabled, all Debug events are listed in the MED-V event log with an Event ID of “0.”

The event logs on the Host can be used to troubleshoot problems with the MED-V Host engine such as URL redirection. The event logs on the guest can be used to troubleshoot the MED-V services running in the Windows XP operating system. It is recommended to enable this on both operating systems
when troubleshooting elements such as host network printer redirection and URL redirection.