Computerwelt - Full stop for Bergen-Linux
Das ehemalige Linux Aushängeschild Bergen wird im großen und ganzen auf Linux verzichten.
Auch Gartner Analyst Peter Hidas meint: “Gartner´s und meine Meinung war immer, dass Linux am Desktop noch lange nicht den Durchbruch haben wird. Wenn sie es überhaupt je schaffen werden.”
Full stop for Bergen-Linux
The city of Bergen has announced in today’s edition of Computerworld a “full stop for Linux”. Plans for introducing Linux on the desktop have been put on hold, they are quoted saying “excessive belief in Linux can lead us to lose focus on other priority tasks”, “we are using Microsoft and have no plans for replacing them. With so many users, the total costs of training would be overwhelming, and that is not an option”. The Director for competition and development in Bergen, Lars Tveit, will only use Linux where it “makes sense”.
Open Source Software no longer a part of the IT-strategy
The City of Bergen has since 2004 been a showcase for Linux and Novell. Linux is no longer a central part of the IT-strategy
The City’s director for competition and development, Lars Tveit, means that Linux has taken too much attention and stops further migration
This confirms that Linux is not ready for the desktop, means Gartner Analyst Peter Hidas