Windows 7 on Channel 9 技术视频大集合
Kernel and Internals
Inside Windows 7 - User Mode Scheduler
Inside Windows 7 - Service Control Manager
Mark Russinovich – Inside Windows 7
New NUMA Support with Windows 7
Windows 7: Best Practices for Developing for Windows Standard User
Windows 7 New Taskbar - An Overview
Designing the Windows 7 Taskbar
Jump into the Windows 7 Taskbar Jump Lists
Windows 7 Taskbar Beta Feedback
Windows 7 Taskbar Advanced Topics
Windows 7 Graphics Architecture Overview – Part 1
Windows 7 Graphics Architecture Overview – Part 2
Windows 7 Graphics Architecture Overview – Part 3
Using Touch in Line-of-Business Applications
Programming Windows 7 Multi Touch – Part 1
Programming Windows 7 Multi Touch - Part 2
Sensor and Location
Windows 7: The Sensor and Location Platform - Building Context Aware Applications
Windows 7 Sensor and Location Platform Overview
Windows 7 Location Platform Overview
Windows Animation Manager
Inside Windows 7: Animation Manager Deep Dive and Tutorial
Libraries and Federated Search
Windows 7: Find and Organize Part 1 - The User Experience
Windows 7: Find and Organize Part 2 - Building Federated Search applications
Windows 7: Empower users to find, visualize and organize their data with Libraries and the Explorer
PowerShell V2 Sessions and Debugging