Roll your own podcasting support for WMP 11
So, the feeling is that Microsoft's lack of
action will slow Podcasting Growth.
James O'Neill has put together a step
by step guide to subscribe to Podcasts under Windows Vista
Not to be outdone, Dominic Cooney has
cut some code in F# to create a rough and ready podcasting
app for WMP 11.
But, what about the
podcast client for Windows Media Center that Charlie
Owen demonstrated at Mix06, aka "Q" ?? As
Charlie says, "Q is not a shipping feature of Windows Vista -- it is a
sample application for which source code will ship with the
Windows Media Center Software Development Kit for Windows Vista."
Source code? Cool!!!
[ Currently Playing : Every Song Is
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- Anonymous
May 28, 2006
Frank, with all due respect to James and Dominic (and yourself of course!), the issue that Todd and I are annoyed about isn't that people can't subscribe to podcasts in WMP11, it's that there is no native podcast DIRECTORY in WMP11. Microsoft could be helping drive podcasting into the mainstream instead of taking a backseat and letting Apple continue to take the lead. - Anonymous
May 28, 2006
A directory? sounds like a business opportunity for some to grab - Anonymous
May 28, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
May 29, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
May 29, 2006
Dude, all I'm saying is that it's not Microsoft's job to build a podcast client.
It's not Apple Vs Microsoft Vs Google Vs Yahoo et al. They all do different things and shouldn't all be playing the same game.
What has Apple done for online search?
Well, they must be dropping the ball right?
Search is huge! Bad Apple!
Google, where are their podcasting tools?
Ok, over-punctuation and one too many examples aside, you get my point right?
MS is not responsible for contributing to the growth of podcasting and it seems that for selfish gains, that you want them to.
Nothing wrong with that I guess. While we're at it, let's make Delicate Genius Blog the homepage on IE? Yeah, let's advocate that shall we? It works for me so it must be important.
Surely you worked for them long enough to understand that almost everything they do is done to keep their platforms (server and client) alive.
Bundling a music player helps make Windows an attractive proposition. As is providing great development tools, database servers etc.
For clarity, I'm not saying that they shouldn't build a podcatcher. Maybe they should, and maybe they will. I'm just not sure that that's the biggest fish they have to fry (gotta love fish analogies) at the moment. Getting URGE and PlayForSure right is probably more important.
If it's any consolation, I bought you another listener the other day. The TPN PSP show should now have one more set of ear buds :-)
-dg - Anonymous
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February 07, 2007
I'll be speaking at the upcoming Microsoft Unlimted Potential (UP) Community Conference next week. I've