MSDN Flash Christmas Poem
The recent MSDN Flash had a traditional Christmas poem which I hope you like
T'was the Flash before Christmas, and all through DPE
No evangelist was resting, not even me
For we had another edition to do
I couldn't leave work 'til I was through
No editor's note written, no articles to pick
No offers, no downloads, I was feeling quite sick
If only I'd written something last week
I could relax and enjoy being a geek
I've had to skip meetings with each of my team
Coatsy, Kleefy, Chucky, JeffA, the Daves -- By now you'll know exactly who I mean
So, instead I sit here writing, alone at this stage
When all of a sudden I've filled up a page
Now the editor's note is done, I feel full of cheer
So have a Merry Christmas, speak to you next year
Technorati tags: MSDN Flash, Frank Arrigo, Christmas
[ Current Listening to : Carol of the Bells by Marc Shaiman from Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics ]