I want to use mappoint / virtual earth - can you help?
I reckon I get a mail like this every day - developers who are interested in using the Microsoft mapping technology.
I send out the same information every time.
It goes a little like this:
Dear [insert name here]
Thanks for you interest in Mappoint/Virtual Earth. It is really cool isn't it?
The Mappoint business is managed out of the UK.
There is no local Australia support for the business.
You need to deal with the Sales team based on the other side of the world.
I know that doesn't make sense, but it's the way that it is.
Some online resources regarding Mappoint / Virtual Earth
There is also a vibrant community site - https://www.viavirtualearth.com/ - which is run out of Sydney by a bunch of passionate mapping dudes. It's a good place to go and get hints, tips and learn from the experts
Good luck and Godspeed
Everytime I send that email, I am sure a kitten dies somewhere in the world.
Technorati tags: Mappoint, Virtual Earth, MWS, VE, Microsoft Australia
[ Current Listening to : Christmas Trumpets/We Wish You a Very Merry Christmas [#] by Ray Anthony from Ultra-Lounge Christmas Cocktails ]
December 17, 2006
Frank, Maybe my experence can help: http://www.soulsolutions.com.au/Blog/tabid/73/EntryID/80/Default.aspx After reading your entry I conclude that we need the local sales team to be able to make decisions on this product for Australians and we need Microsoft partners to be able to get reseller pricing so we can bid on projects. Thanks for your help btw. John.Anonymous
December 20, 2006
Hi Frank, Oooh! we want to save kittens! At SSW have a strong team that can help with Virtual Earth projects. Experience? well look at <a href="http://www.spyk.com> spyk.com</a> We would love a VE Partner program in place to promote our expertise in this area. Merry Christmas! Tim Kremer www.ssw.com.auAnonymous
December 21, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 21, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 31, 2006
As is usual for this time of the year, we look back a bit. Here's my top 20 posts for December 2006 .Anonymous
December 31, 2006
As is usual for this time of the year, we look back a bit. Here's my top 20 posts for December 2006 .Anonymous
April 22, 2007
Like Frank i have been getting a quite few requests lately on how to get started with Virtual Earth.