Frank's Big Escape
David Lemphers made a little comic strip
He has way too much time on his hands.
September 05, 2007
Hi Frank, I think David used a little fun app called Comic Life to do this. It probably took all of 5 minutes to do. The app ships by default with all new macs but Plaq (the comanpy behind the product) has a Windows Version in the works... currently in Beta V3. The most interesting thing is that the company is actually a group of people working over the net with the actual company registered in Australia. So yeah, it's an aussie company!!! You can find out more about them here: more about the company here: ThomasAnonymous
September 07, 2007
Hi Thomas, I did indeed use Comic Life from Keith and the team @ Plasq! I love it! Something unreal about creating comix with so much ease. Definitely a great app! Dave.