Menu Toolbar Missing Fix it Live!
We just released another Fix it Knowledge Base (KB) article. This Fix it sets the Menu Toolbar back to its default location as described in KB 962963.
January 01, 2003
Greetings Buff, Thank you for taking the time to submit a comment. Have you attempted to restart your computer to solve the issue? Also, do you have any add-ons that are currently being used by Internet Explorer? Have you tried running IE with add-ons disabled? Thanks, -MarkAnonymous
January 01, 2003
Hello Arvind Singh, Thank you for taking the time to post a comment. You might check to see if the following registry setting is configured. HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer Value name = NoFileMenu If the Value data is set to 1 then the "Remove File menu from Windows Explorer" policy is being enforced. If you need assistance troubleshooting your File menu issue you can use the "Get Help Now" link at the top right of any of our Knowledge Base articles to contact Microsoft Support. Thanks, -brianAnonymous
January 01, 2003
Greetings Deb, Thank you for taking the time to send a comment. If the Fix it ran but didn't resolve your issue please ensure you having the same issue that is described in Knowledge Base article 962963 ( The Fix it is only designed to resolve the issue described in 962963 so if you are having a different issue the Fix it won't resolve it. Your symptom description does not appear to be the issue addressed by this Fix it. Please feel free to use the "Get Help Now" link in the top right corner of every Microsoft KB article. From this link you may choose the support option that works for you. Sincerely, /SteveAnonymous
January 01, 2003
I use IE8. I prefer Google as the browser but when IEopens it redirects to AOL, and the menu bar has disappeared. I cannot re-establish the menu bar, and I cannot set Google as the home page.Anonymous
January 22, 2009
tools is missing from the menu bar in excelAnonymous
January 23, 2009
File Menu missing from IE & WEAnonymous
February 10, 2009
I used to have on the "tools" button a feature that said "switch users" and would list my secondary e-mail sites. My grandson managed to eliminate this feature. How do I get it back?Anonymous
February 25, 2009
file menu missing form my browserAnonymous
March 08, 2009
It disappeared when I installed update offered yesterday. Where has it gone to and how can I get it back?Anonymous
March 20, 2009
Text iad still missing from the tool bar. Very difficult to use the browser.Anonymous
March 20, 2009
Text is still missing from the tool bar. Very difficult to use the browser.Anonymous
March 21, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 24, 2009
Tool bar and menu bar are all blacked out cannot see any IconsAnonymous
March 26, 2009
vista 64 and no IE toolbar. When I click to automatically fix it, told me the fix does not apply to my system.Anonymous
March 26, 2009
Might also add to the prior message that I cannot get to any websites either.Anonymous
April 02, 2009
I've installed IE8 and now I am missing the "Add to Favorites" button that used to be to the right of the "Favorites" button and I don't know how to get it back. Any help would be appreciated. I'm sure this isn't the correct place to post this but I'm disabled and it's hard for me t5o search all over.Anonymous
April 06, 2009
Tool bar and menu bar are all blacked out cannot see any Icons. I'm using XP SP3. When I hover over the tool bar I get the outline of the button, if I click the button I get the menu. Need help.Anonymous
April 08, 2009
When I installed IE8 all looked fine until I rebooted. Then the menus were missing and the menu bar and links bar were black. I tried the automated fix but that didn't correct the problem, or at least it didn't seem to. So, I reinstalled IE8 and the menus came back and the links bar looked normal. I then rebooted and the problem was back. In disgust I turned off my computer and walked away grumbling. When I turned my computer back on later in the day IE8 looked normal; and today it is OK also, so I assume my problem has been solved. I don't know whether the correction was a delayed reaction to the automated fix, or the result of reinstalling IE8, or perhaps a consequence of powering down; or a combination of just two those actions. Regardless, all is well now and I can sing a happy tune. /ehgAnonymous
April 09, 2009
Last evening when I turned my computer on the problem had again returned, so I did some deletions in the Registry and the problem again went away. This morning (4/8/09) when I turned my computer back on the problem had returned again. [Good grief. I'm starting to think about reinstalling IE7.] I have just made another deletion in the Registry and the problem was again gone, even after a reboot and after a subsequent power down and restart. In a day or two, if the problem does not return I will report what I had done. /ehgAnonymous
April 09, 2009
Are you folks for real? How dare you send out an update that then requires your users to run around the internet looking for fixes. The minute (no...the SECOND) a better program comes along I will so quickly be leaving you to your idiotic ways.Anonymous
April 14, 2009
I am having the same problems and I do not like it one bit. The toolbar is there sometimes and sometimes not. What gives?? Makes me want to not do any updating ever again!Anonymous
April 16, 2009
I also have the tool bar and menu bar "blacked out". I have the favorites icons, but can't read any titles. I tried both registry fixes (toolbar/explorer and toolbar/shellbrowser keys)and rebooted after each fix, but to no avail. Should I try the same thing on the toolbar/webbrowser key?Anonymous
April 16, 2009
I disabled the WOT add-on, rebooted, and my toolbars came back. I will let you know if this fix is permanent or not.Anonymous
April 16, 2009
See my earlier comments of April 9, 2009. I had tried the automatic fix and manual deletions from the Registry, but the problem would still come and go on my computer: sometimes when I would start this computer the menu and Links bars were blacked out and other times when I turned this computer on they were not. I then restored the registry to what it had been [put the ITBarLayout entries back into the Registry]. Next I disabled some programs that start with Windows. Next time I powered up without those programs the IE8 menus were there. Next I allowed those programs to start with Windows and the IE8 menus and links bar were still normal. I made careful notes as I tried one thing after another in hopes I would learn what fixes the problem with IE8, but I confess I still don't know what fixed it for me. One thing I am sure of is that the recommended Registry deletions didn't fix the problem on this computer. The Registry items recommended for removal are still in my Registry and the menus and Links bars are no longer blacked out. Good luck. /ehgAnonymous
April 17, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
April 20, 2009
Previously (4/16), I disabled the WOT add-on and my toolbars came back. Today(4/20), they blacked out again for no apparent reason. I disabled another add-on (cooliris). Only time will tell. I am amazed that Microsoft has done nothing to fix this. Obviously IE8 is nearly useless if we can't read our toolbars.Anonymous
April 21, 2009
Trouble came back. Disabled most of the add-ons, no change (even after reboot).Anonymous
April 21, 2009
Here is my latest attempt on the toolbars problem: Go to the Start Menu Run msconfig In System Configuration Window, select the Tools tab Cursor down to System Properties (sysdm.cpl), then click Launch In System Properties Window, select the Advanced tab Click on Performance Settings In the Performance Options Window, select the Visual Effects Tab Click on Adjust for Best Performance Then click OK, etc Reboot I'll let you know in a few days if this works (since it took a few days for the problem to reappear previously).Anonymous
April 21, 2009
Problem solved at the click of a button. Thanks!!!Anonymous
April 21, 2009
I have found that if my computer boots with the ethernet cable disconnected, IE8 launches normally. Also, I have begun to suspect there may be a relationship between this problem and my Windows Live Mail. This morning I booted in the usual way (ethernet cable connected) and the IE8 menus, Links and tool bar were black. This evening after I booted I first launched Windows Live Mail and then IE8. IE8 looked normal. I will continue to test these two alternate procedures to see if they give consistent satisfactory results. /ehgAnonymous
May 01, 2009
Loaded IE8 ok. Menu toolbar remains IE7 style. No Safty/web slices incon etc. Help.Anonymous
May 01, 2009
See my entry dated 4/21. These changes are for Windows XP. After I effected the changes of 4/21, I had the problem recur once more (next day). So, I tweaked my settings in the Visual effects tab. Right now, I have these settings selected: __ use visual styles on windows & buttons __ use common tasks in folders __ use a background image for each folder type __ show window contents while dragging __ show translucent selection rectangle __ animate windows when minimizing & maximizing My tool bars have been normal ever since (9 days). (note to Eldon Graham: I do not have Windows Live Mail)Anonymous
May 03, 2009
Hi, Have windows Vista home prem, I'm missing tool and tasks menu? Thx, R.Anonymous
May 05, 2009
Diane, et. al., I had about given up: the problem came and went and came again, over and over. Really disgusting. I just tried your fix and it worked for me also. I'm going to try changing the visual effects one at a time to see if I can identify a single one that fixes the problem. This may take several days but I will report back when I am thru experimenting. /ehgAnonymous
May 06, 2009
Eldon, Glad to hear my fix worked for someone else! Good luck with your experiment. LOL.Anonymous
May 06, 2009
My hat is off to Diane for showing the way. For anyone who might find a little more detail helpful, this is what I did to my computer to solve the problem: I went to Start>Control Panel>System>Advanced>Performance Settings>Visual Effects and there I changed from "Let Windows choose what's best . . ." to "Adjust for best appearance" . "Adjust for best appearance" immediately corrected my IE8 "blackout" of IE8's menus, Links and tool bar; and after 4 subsequent bootups, IE8 is still OK.Anonymous
May 08, 2009
Hi Eldon -- I am curious to see if your new settings are going to hold up. My original setting was set for "best apearance" -- that is why I changed it to "best performance" and then tweaked it to get my final "fix" (see entry of May 1st) . My toolbar problem has not recurred since 4/22. By the way, have any of you had the additional glitch of system icons missing from the system tray? :-) If so, I have a fix for that too.Anonymous
May 08, 2009
Diane, Four days have passed and IE8 still looks good. No recurrence of the "black outs". I haven't noticed any problems with the system tray. Everything seems to be there; but to see all I must enlarge the notification area first. /ehgAnonymous
May 16, 2009
Another week has passed and there have been no "black outs" since I switched Visual Effects to "best appearance". That was on my Year 2000 vintage desktop which I had upgraded from Windows 98SE to Windows XP w/SP3. So convinced was I that the problem could be fixed that I decided to replace IE7 on my 2004 vintage laptop with IE8. Much to my surprise, IE8 works just fine on this computer without my having to change Visual Effects from "Let Windows choose" to "best appearance". Looks like this glitch is now a thing of the past. /ehgAnonymous
May 18, 2009
I have a yellow bar saying that Internet explorer is currently running with add=ons disable. How do I eneble this. There are pages I need to see and I can't becuase of thisAnonymous
May 25, 2009
To enable add-ons: within Internet Explorer, click on Tools, then select Manage Add-ons. Another window will open and all your add-ons will appear (takes a few seconds for them to load). Then you just select the one you want to enable.Anonymous
May 27, 2009
toolbars and command bar are black and fonts do not show. cannot find anything on tool bar. cannot change toolbar colors. tried fix it did not fix itAnonymous
May 29, 2009
Since i've upgraded the service packs for xp i've lost my start and toolbar menu, i can only access my pc through task manager, the fix it didn't fit it. Any ideas?Anonymous
June 01, 2009
I've tried all these variations and the darn thing keeps blacking out the menus. Not all the time, but often enough that it's aggravating. Sometimes it lasts several days and sometimes just a couple of reboots. Can't believe Microsoft can't fix this thing. It is something related to IE8, because the problem didn't exist prior to IE8.Anonymous
June 03, 2009
Thank You Diane for your post of 4/21 & 5/1. I was having the same problem & you fixed it. Thanks again :)Anonymous
June 29, 2009
Well I have been smashing the keyboard all day to no avail.......Ran the fix it .......nothing changed :-( Still no tabs toolbar Fav's button or all the home and other buttons????????????????????????????????Anonymous
June 30, 2009
After futzing around with the blacked out menu bar problem in IE8, I am now a dedicated Firefox user.Anonymous
July 06, 2009
Cannot believe that after 6 month of this problem someone at Microsoft cannot/will not fix this problem! Three to four time a week I keep having to fix the IE8 Toolbar via changing registry entries. Surely someone, maybe an MVP, will devise a lasting fix.Anonymous
July 07, 2009
Tried the fix and it worked for awhile. I just launched IE 8 and I'm back to blacked out tool bars. I'm not sure if I should run the fixit again or do something else. FWIW, my Windows version is XP, Service pack 3 and is up to date.Anonymous
July 07, 2009
I just googled this problem and somebody suggesed changing the theme from Windows Classic, which is what I was using, to Windows XP and that seems to have fixed the problem... at least for the moment. I have not tried changing my theme backt to Classic to see if the 'fix' holds. I may run things like this for awhile ... maybe that was Microsoft's intent. Get everyone weened off of Classic before the Windows 7 launch. (g)Anonymous
July 18, 2009
I think this has been done purposely in order to compel people to use the Google toolbar.Anonymous
July 30, 2009
I found that with Explorer 8 since it downloaded it, when it is updated or if it shuts down and restarts the toolbar menu is all blacked out. How do I fix this as can't see options.Anonymous
August 29, 2009
I accidentally removed the Menu Toolbar from IE 8 by un-checking the "Menu bar" in the "View" header for Toolbars. Luckily, by pressing the "alt" key, I was able to restore it. I did not have to follow the lengthy procedure offered by the Microsoft Support or FIX It Live. Make sure to click back on the Menu Bar by going to the "View" button or the Menu Bar would disappear again.Anonymous
September 03, 2009
Lotsa easy-to -use explanation for those of us who need simple terms !!Anonymous
September 06, 2009
For those still having trouble with blackened out toolbars, see my entries from 4/21 (two entries) and 5/1. Good luck.Anonymous
September 07, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
September 25, 2009
Like many others, I updated to IE8 and as a result I can't even use IE at all now!! I spent 2 weeks (4-7 hours per day!!!) reading, talking with the so-called "techs" at Microsoft, going through every single "fix" on Microsoft's useless help sections. I finally gave up and am now using Firefox. Although I have no complaints about Firefox, I would rather go back to IE7. So what's the problem you ask? order for me to do that I will now have to BUY Windows XP and re-install it. Why? Because IE8 not only prevented my browser from opening, it also had the added bonus of completely deleting my Internet Options menu from my Control Panel, corrupting my Service Packs 2 & 3 and now I can't even get back my IE7. The very rare times I could actually get my browser to open, it was only to find that my ENTIRE toolbar is missing - everything !!! Microsoft caused so much destruction with this latest version of IE. It's apparent that Microsoft has absolutely NO intention of getting people the help they need to CORRECT THEIR MISTAKES!!!! (sigh). Can anyone point the way to a class action lawsuit?Anonymous
November 28, 2009
This thread is really quite amazing. I normally use FF, but needed to test a site in IE8. When I started it up, NO MENUS. I hadn't noticed that before. In reading some of the comments above, I saw something about hitting the Alt key. I did that and the menus RE-APPEARED! Hitting the Alt key again made them go away. How weird!!!! What could MS be thinking to add that behavior to IE8 (I'm running it on Windows 7). Well, that fixed the problem thankfully. No registry editing thankfullyAnonymous
May 07, 2010
Okay, it is now May 2010 !!!! And I'm having the problem everyone is talking about in IE8. WHAT is going on with Microsoft??? Surely they should have gotten a fix out to IE8 users by now. I have tried reducing the fonts to where I can't see them, and it still goes black on meAnonymous
May 29, 2010
I went changed my menu toolbar settings yesterday and I would like to have it back. How do I do so?Anonymous
May 29, 2010
put my taskbar on the bottom of pageAnonymous
June 02, 2010
Ok, so im not sure how to explain this. My toolbar when i would move my mouse over an icon at the bottom like my windows live messanger it would show what was there but in like picture form, and i pressed something on accident and i dont know what i did but now it shows up as just words and not what it isAnonymous
June 02, 2010
Ok, so im not sure how to explain this. My toolbar when i would move my mouse over an icon at the bottom like my windows live messanger it would show what was there but in like picture form, and i pressed something on accident and i dont know what i did but now it shows up as just words and not what it isAnonymous
June 27, 2010
the windows live skydrive isnt workingAnonymous
July 05, 2010
My menu bar is missing on Firefox home page - internet. HelpAnonymous
July 13, 2010
The proposed fix did not work for me-so no menu/command bar and other toolbars mostly blacked out.Anonymous
August 09, 2010
top area of ie 8 is suddenly all blacked out and cannot see menus. like file, edit, view, etc. have to use alt + f or such to access... never happened before, no new software or hardware. saw somewhere else happening to other people, too. tried reseting and all tips and then close and reopen. no help.Anonymous
October 10, 2010
The comment has been removedAnonymous
November 23, 2010
I lost my Bookmark tab and can't find it. What should I or where should I look? Windows 7Anonymous
January 07, 2011
Basic toolbar missing for Outlook ExpressAnonymous
January 12, 2011
cannot delete brousing history as tools and view are not availableAnonymous
January 12, 2011
I lost the tool bar menu by mistake so how can I get it back?Anonymous
January 15, 2011
Menu toolbar missing. Please restore. Thanks, Billy PayneAnonymous
April 08, 2011
I lost command bar with tool app. How do I find it?Anonymous
April 30, 2011
I am Missing my Tools bar .I have Internet Explore 9Anonymous
September 01, 2011
windows xp bottom toolbar ( start ) missingAnonymous
September 16, 2011
September 18, 2011
I cannot restore the tool bar w/ Fix it. There is no "Tools" option and cannot restore using "Run".Anonymous
October 02, 2011
i like for the toolbar menu back to its positionAnonymous
October 18, 2011
In my Outlook Express 6.0, the menu bar disapears when I install Spamfighter!!Anonymous
October 27, 2011
Why when you update does my menu bar disappearsAnonymous
November 08, 2011
The comment has been removedAnonymous
November 29, 2011
I have tried to use yahoo for my browser my computer keeps change msn or something else,when I open yahoo a blank comes up.How do I solve this prblem?Anonymous
December 03, 2011
The menu and tools bar/options are missing. Tried the "Fix this Problem" and didn't work because the pop-blocker is on. The file to download the fix it comes as a pop-up because it did when trying it in Chrome. Help! ThanksAnonymous
December 25, 2011
wher is my command bar i can't find itAnonymous
January 26, 2012
Hi I was wondering if you could tell me how to get my adress bar back?Anonymous
February 03, 2012
my file edit view ect bar is missingAnonymous
March 01, 2012
I have tried this fixit and it does not work for me. I have tried the manual method; when I open the regedit program, there is no HKEY...etc except running at the bottom of the page below the program screen, and it reads different from your "current_users" extension. There is no explorer subkey or ITBar subkey. Is there a downloadable version of the toolbar/menubar?Anonymous
March 06, 2012
I don't know what I did to make this happen, but the tools menu disappeared.Anonymous
March 29, 2012
since the configuration has been done on our computer just a few minutes ago, we have lost all of our favorites on the screen . We NEED these to check our bills eg. enbridge gas, horizon utilities service canada cogeco etc etc. Where are our favorites and what has been done with them??????????Anonymous
March 31, 2012
I cannot find SETTINGS when I open my START menu. Can you tell me how to find it?Anonymous
March 31, 2012
Steve, Thank you. I do not find the button that lets me kearb about the settings button. Sorry, Can you help me? smmAnonymous
March 31, 2012
In your directions, I was to click START and then click on SETTINGS. I cannot find the Settings button. HELP!!! sR. Michael MarieAnonymous
March 31, 2012
Tool bar and menu bar missing from Explorer 9. HELP!!!Anonymous
April 05, 2012
I am missing the Menu toolbar with view, file, tool, etc. I need it back!Anonymous
April 10, 2012
tool bar don't work and Ican't download fix itAnonymous
April 19, 2012
I want my toolbar back for favoritesAnonymous
May 28, 2012
after using your product microsoft fix it the download bar on youtube has dissappearedAnonymous
June 05, 2012
Hi just loaded explorer 8 and the tool bar is missing can you help PS running on XPAnonymous
September 02, 2012
My Google Chrome Internet Explorer is not working properly,and on the Home Page only two items show up; Google Store and Gmail.Tool bar above is also missing.HELP!Anonymous
September 02, 2012
My Google Chrome Internet Explorer is not working properly,and on the Home Page only two items show up; Google Store and Gmail.Tool bar above is also missing.HELP!Anonymous
December 25, 2012
The comment has been removedAnonymous
February 27, 2013
How can I get back my toll bar and menu barAnonymous
April 08, 2013
I need help. My IE Toolbar disappeared i don't know why. The google toolbar was there so I uninstalled it. Still cannot find explorer toolbarAnonymous
March 04, 2014
Je recontre un gros sous ci avec la bar de tache d'icone explorer 8 n'affiche