WebMatrix Helpers (Part 2)
This post provides details and code syntax about the helpers provided in WebMatrix (Beta).
This post continues from an early post that describes other WebMatrix helpers. Here, I'm providing information about the following helpers:
· Chart
· Crypto
· ObjectInfo
· WebCache
· WebGrid
WebMatrix Helpers help you add common functionality to your Web site. Note - the syntax includes ALL the members for each helper.
Helper |
Description |
Syntax |
Chart |
Adds a series of values to the chart. For addition information, see the WebMatrix ASP.NET API Quick Reference. |
Chart.AddChartArea(name, area3DStyle, axisX, axisY, axisX2, axisY2, options) Chart.AddLegend(name, title, options) Chart.AddSeries(name, chartType, chartArea, axisLabel, legend, markerStep, xValue, xField, yValues, yFields, options) Chart.AddTitle(text, name, options) Chart.Chart(width, height, templatePath, options) Chart.CreateAxis(name, title, labelStyle, majorGrid, minorGrid, options) Chart.DataBindCrossTable(dataSource, groupByField, xField, yFields, otherFields, pointSortOrder) Chart.DataBindTable(dataSource, xField) Chart.GetBytes(format) Chart.GetFromCache(key) Chart.Save(path, format) Chart.SaveToCache(key, minutesToCache, slidingExpiration) Chart.SaveXml(path) Chart.SetBorder(SkinskinStyle, options) Chart.ToWebImage(format) Chart.Write(format) Chart.WriteFromCache(key, format) Chart.FileName Chart.Height Chart.Width |
Crypto |
Returns a hash for the specified data based on the selected the hash method. For addition information, see the WebMatrix ASP.NET API Quick Reference. |
Crypto.MD5Hash(data) //data is a byte array Crypto.MD5Hash(data) //data is a string Crypto.SHA1(data) //data is a byte array Crypto. SHA1 (data) //data is a string Crypto.SHA256Hash(data) //data is a byte array Crypto. SHA256Hash (data) //data is a string |
ObjectInfo |
Renders the properties and values of an object and any sub-objects. For addition information, see Chapter 14 - Introduction to Debugging. |
ObjectInfo.Print(value, depth, enumerationLength) |
WebCache |
Gets or sets the object specified by key, or null if not found. For more information, see Chapter 12 - Caching to Improve the Performance of Your Website. |
WebCache.Get(key) WebCache.Remove(key) WebCache.Set(key, value, minutesToCache, slidingExpiration) |
WebGrid |
Renders an HTML table that displays data, and supports options for formatting, for creating a way to page through the data, and for letting users sort just by clicking a column heading. For more information, see Chapter 5 - Working With Data. |
WebGrid.Column(columnName, header, format, style, canSort) WebGrid.Columns(columnSet) WebGrid.GetContainerUpdateScript(path) WebGrid.GetDynamicMember(obj, name) WebGrid.GetHtml(tableStyle, headerStyle, footerStyle, rowStyle, alternatingRowStyle, selectedRowStyle, displayHeader, fillEmptyRows, defaultCellValue, columns, exclusions, mode, firstText, previousText, nextText, lastText, numericLinksCount) WebGrid.GetPageUrl(pageIndex) WebGrid.GetSortUrl(column) WebGrid.Pager(mode, firstText, previousText, nextText, lastText, numericLinkdsCount) WebGrid.Table(tableStyle, headerStyle, footerStyle, rowStyle, alternatingRowStyle, selectedRowStyle, displayHeader, fillEmptyRows, defaultCellValue, columns, exclusions, footer) WebGrid.WebGrid(source, columnNames, defaultSort, rowsPerPage, canPage, canSort, ajaxUpdateContainerId, fieldNamePrefix, pageFieldName, selectionFieldName, sortFieldName, sortDirectionFieldName) WebGrid.AjaxUpdateContainerId WebGrid.ColumnNames WebGrid.DataSource WebGrid.FieldNamePrefix WebGrid.HasSelection WebGrid.PageCount WebGrid.PageFieldName WebGrid.PageIndex WebGrid.Rows WebGrid.RowsPerPage WebGrid.SelectedIndex WebGrid.SelectedRow WebGrid.SelectionFieldName WebGrid.SortColumn WebGrid.SortDirection WebGrid.SortDirectionFieldName WebGrid.SortFieldName WebGrid.TotalCount |
Of course, the above table is related to WebMatrix BETA. The API may be updated. For additional syntax information, see the WebMatrix ASP.NET API Quick Reference.
Let me know if you are interested in examples or more specific syntax information. I would be happy to provide additional posts.
-- Erik Reitan
ASP.NET User Education
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