Getting the word out!
Information for Everyone!
Vista Haters?
OK, I have to admit my least favorite thing to do ever is upgrade to a new OS. Especially given the...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 04/19/2007
Will Microsoft scale or perform for my line of business app or my mission critical app?
I hear this question still today a lot from several customers, when looking at using Microsoft...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 11/24/2006
How to manage Windows SharePoint Services 2003 (WSS)
The number one question I get from IT departments is, how do I manage all the WSS sites popping up...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 10/18/2006
Move over engadget is the new cool.
Yes, I already no engadget has been around for a long time now, and by no means should it be...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 07/11/2006
Focus Microsoft! Focus!
I know Microsoft is large and has a lot of resources; I am pleading that we as a company can focus...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 07/07/2006
Where did Pat Helland go?
Pat Helland where are you? Ok Pat you kept audiences entertained and captivated for years with your...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 07/06/2006
If InfoPath is so great why isn’t everyone doing it?
Perception is king, too bad it is often misled! If we take a minute to really examine the large...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 02/21/2006
The "I wanna..." trap
Here a few ommon "I wanna..." and "we need a..." statements I hear customers make in requesting a...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 02/18/2006
Sound Off: Enterprise Architecture (EA) are they relevant to Software Engineers?
I have seen many enterprise architects across many customers and companies, and there is one...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 02/18/2006
IE7 - Public Beta
So we are releasing a public beta of IE7. I have been using IE7 for a few days via an internal build...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 01/31/2006
New online gaming threat to your kid?
Please make sure you monitor your kids close when letting them play XBox Live or any online gaming....
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 01/25/2006
What does Apple and Sun moving to x86 mean for Windows?
Now that the debate for the most part is over about the ability to run mission critical, consumer...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 01/25/2006
I'm back online...
Where I have been over the past couple of months? I moved from Microsoft Consulting Services (MCS)...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 01/24/2006
Messenger Web Client
Need to IM someone but you can not install the MSN client (maybe you are on a public computer or a...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 11/26/2005
The Open Source community, the Microsoft Community what's the difference?
In another series of conversations on how Microsoft is the evil empire blah, blah... and how the...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 10/10/2005 versus Microsoft Office - Are you kidding?
I have been hearing a bit of buzz from people about OpenOffice again, so I went and tried OpenOffice...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 10/10/2005
Don't believe the hype
GoogleOffice = Microsoft killer? While initiatives such as OpenOffice document formats and...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 10/05/2005
Message to the Adobe reader team - Updated!
What makes Adobe think if I go download acrobat reader, I also would like to have the Yahoo toolbar...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 09/26/2005
Tracing Guidance - Think about security
There is a lot of information out there about application tracing, here are a few tips to keep in...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 09/20/2005
Microsoft has the most comprehensive integration platform and vision bar none!
From the, "A new report from the Burton group says that Microsoft has the most...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 09/01/2005
How to make you Vonage work!
So I recently signed up with Vonage, I would have done so earlier however I was afraid of all the...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 08/25/2005
Plumtree purchased by BEA
How do entprise portal vendors keep innovating? Plumtree was one of the very few portal providers...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 08/22/2005
dotProfiler by JetBrains
The good people over at JetBrains has released a profiling tool called dotProfiler. While I have not...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 08/06/2005
More than server side integration...
In all of the integration marketing buzz, I think someone forgot about integration on the desktop...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 07/24/2005
User Interface Programming Tip #1 – Writing maintainable code and Code Complexity
When adding code to event handlers to a form code behind (i.e. your button click event), consider...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 07/21/2005
SharePoint Tips #2 - Improving performance of the web part page gallery
Daniel McPherson posted a great tip on speeding the display of the web part page gallery. For his...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 07/13/2005
Firefox update squashes security bugs ...
I here a lot of customer feedback as many people at Microsoft do about security, and the nightmare...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 07/13/2005
SharePoint Tips #1 - Document Library folders
When using document libraries in SharePoint try to avoid the temptation of creating nested folders....
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 07/07/2005
COM+ (Enterprise Services) or Remoting or Web Services (again)?
I have addressed this conversation several times, and like others I am blogging my stand so I can...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 06/23/2005
Developing against the GAC with .NET v1.1
Did you forget about using the DEVPATH when developing against the GAC? I hear a lot of developer...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 06/21/2005
WinForms - User Interface Process Block
I am looking for some thoughts for developing Windows forms. Does anyone build MDIForms still? If so...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 04/19/2005
TiVO still in DirectTV out
I think I am just getting old and cranky. First of all TiVO seems to have removed the trial of pop...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 04/09/2005
TiVO is going to lose my business as a customer really soon
Hey TiVO drop the pop ads when I am fast forwarding! TiVO released an update to my device that pops...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 03/29/2005
A diversion from technical stuff to career development - (It is all about you)
I have been in several interviews, reviewed resumes and I have one bit of feedback for candidates...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 03/04/2005
Exception Management
Guidance on managing exceptions An exception is something you do not expect to happen in your...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 02/07/2005
Checking your in parms.
Working with several customers over time I come across a common coding practices (note I did not say...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 02/03/2005
Enterprise Library is an excellent resource
I try to avoid re-blogging, (lots of blog entries already exists about the Enterprise Library...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 01/29/2005
InfoPath Questions & Tips
I was asked by a customer some really good InfoPath questions that you may have as well, so I...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 01/18/2005
Office Development for real developers
Do you recall a time when ... the messages from Microsoft about letting us writing the...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 01/17/2005
Digital Music and AntiVirus problems
My 2nd post - Face it I am not to good at this blogging bit. Hopefully this one helps somebody out...
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 09/02/2004
Cool Sites for .NET and ADO developers
Finally my first blog. :-) I came across this site while reading over some internal newsgroup post....
Author: Edward Ferron Date: 07/08/2004