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The Ultimate Steal Blogging Competition

Those of you who regularly read this blog or generally keep your ear to the ground will know that Microsoft is selling Office Ultimate to students for £38.95 through

As if that wasn't enough, today sees the launch of a new competition around this offer; the student who writes the most compelling article about how they will use office during their degree will win one of three cool prizes. Up for grabs are; A holiday for two worth £1200, a £500 Amex voucher and a shiny new Xbox 360 Elite.

All you have to do is write a blog post about how you use Office 2007 and submit your entry at 



I wrote and published this post whilst traveling to Staffordshire University to give an Inspiration Tour session using Live Writer and 3G from my Windows Mobile device (as the above photo of my laptop with the countryside whizzing by behind it proves!)

To find out how the session went check back tomorrow morning!

Technorati Tags: Ultimate Steal, Office 2007, Students, Inspiration Tour, Microsoft
