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Microsoft Dynamics AX Fast TrAX Developer 2.0 Pilot

Microsoft Dynamics AX Fast TrAX Developer 2.0 Training is a foundational training program for new Microsoft Dynamics AX Developers that focuses on the exact curriculum formerly covered in fifteen days but, expedited and capitalizing on the elements that excite and challenge our developers: coding and troubleshooting within the AX product. Developer 2.0 also includes exposure to Data Migration, Mobility, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Connector and Office 365 to help attendees prepare for upcoming releases.


Focusing on hands on labs, trainer demos and certification preparation; this course will help build the initial muscle for a successful Developer on the Microsoft Dynamics AX solution. This coupled with mentorship within your organization will help your developers in being successful and contributing to your organization’s bottom line.

Pre-work and Curriculum: This course leverages the content provided on  Dynamics Learning Portal (DLP).  Attendee must have access in order to leverage this course, to view more info about the DLP please see here.