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Nicholas Allen's Indigo Blog

Windows Communication Foundation From the Inside

Writing Binding Element Essentials

We're back to the channel development series for another pair of days. When I left off, I promised...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 03/27/2007

Where You're Reading

I know that 80% of you read this blog using RSS and just about 70% of what's left are coming here...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 03/26/2007

Preventing Anonymous Access

How do I prevent clients from accessing my service anonymously? I've changed the settings in IIS...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 03/23/2007

Responding to GetProperty

I've created a custom implementation of GetProperty for my binding but now I'm getting errors when I...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 03/22/2007

Channel Managers

Last time, we left off the channel construction process at the end of the design stage. During the...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 03/21/2007

Gone Missing?

Today's post seems to have gone missing from the posting system. I'll see if I can locate what...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 03/20/2007

Channel Bindings

We're back to the channel development tour for another pair of articles. Today's article is the...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 03/19/2007

Mapping to a VDir

When I run my non-HTTP service in IIS, I get an error message that the protocol is not supported....

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 03/16/2007

Getting the Client Identity

How does my service know the identity of one of the connecting clients? I'm going to focus this...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 03/14/2007

Channel Writing Checklist (Optional)

Let's fill in some of the spaces around yesterday's checklist with a list of additional features for...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 03/13/2007

Channel Writing Checklist (Required)

This pair of articles marks the checkpoint between the "big picture" introductory segments and the...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 03/12/2007

Extracting Content Types

What is the content type of the message returned by a service? The idea of a content MIME type is...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 03/09/2007

Channel Shapes

I was looking through the archives the other day and found that the original article on channel...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 03/08/2007

Message Flow Interception Points

We've been looking at the flow of messages (Part 1 and Part 2), but have never stopped along the way...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 03/07/2007

The Pool is Full

What does the trace message "The pool of the native MSMQ messages is full. This may affect...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 03/06/2007

Flow of Messages, Part 2

Continuing from last time, we were looking at the flow of a message during a service call. We left...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 03/05/2007

Flow of Messages, Part 1

In the channel development series so far, we've just been looking at channels. I've already...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 03/02/2007

March CTP Released

The latest CTP is available for the Visual Studio "Orcas" release. There are a lot of new features...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 03/01/2007

A Trick with Faults (Discussion)

The code yesterday was meant to motivate a side-discussion on how faults get generated and handled...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 02/28/2007

A Trick with Faults

What does this code print? It seems like both choices are quite reasonable. I'll have some...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 02/27/2007

Channels Illustrated

In the channel development series last week, we looked at the characteristics of channels (protocol...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 02/26/2007

Tuning Contracts for Performance

I have a service contract with a few operations that take large inputs and do a lot of processing....

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 02/23/2007

Transport Channels

Let's shift gears for a bit and talk about transport channels now as opposed to protocol channels....

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 02/22/2007

Protocol Channels

There are only two kinds of channels in the world. Today we'll talk about protocol channels....

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 02/21/2007

When to Write a Channel

Today's article is about the tension between two simple points. Writing channels can generally be...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 02/20/2007

Channel Development Tour, Part 1

This is the start of a long series on channel development. Some of the material in the series is...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 02/19/2007

Table of Contents Scratch Work

I haven't forgotten about the goal to put together a table of contents for all of these articles....

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 02/16/2007

Stashing Data in Extensible Objects

How do I store some state about the current request so that I can use it later during the same...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 02/15/2007

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

How do I find out about jobs working on WCF? That's an excellent question. I went to the Microsoft...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 02/14/2007

More Poison Message Handling

We saw the poison message handling strategies for MSMQ 3 and MSMQ 4 yesterday, but how many...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 02/13/2007

MSMQ and Poison Messages

Last time we looked at the idea of poison messages in queues- messages that are permanently...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 02/12/2007

Poison Message Handling

I've got a few posts on queued and durable messaging coming up over the next few weeks, and we're...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 02/09/2007

Durable is More than Duplex

Clemens and Shy pointed me at this article by Harry Pierson the other day. Since I was getting ready...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 02/08/2007

You Can't Fake Correlation

How do I construct callbacks to work over a load balancer without affinity? Let's construct a...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 02/07/2007

Transport Encryption and Signing

How do I control whether the transport signs and encrypts messages? This answer ties into the...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 02/06/2007

Bindings for Workgroups

What's the fastest binding for securely communicating over an intranet? How about if the client and...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 02/02/2007

Reducing Memory Usage with Large Messages

I'm working on an application that processes many large messages at the same time. The messages...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 02/01/2007

Amplified Flooding Attacks

Today's article is about a classic flooding attack that relies on a receiver who isn't careful about...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 01/31/2007

Queue Scalability

I'm building an always-on service that gets its messages from a front-end queue. How do I design...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 01/30/2007

Using XML Serialization with WCF

How do I switch the serializer being used to process messages to the old XmlSerializer? WCF supports...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 01/29/2007

Disabling Security Timestamps

I'm using the WSHttp binding for message security with a non-WCF system. The other system doesn't...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 01/26/2007

Errors Without Context

I don't know how many people use the code I post, but I frequently stumble across peculiar or...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 01/25/2007

Modifying HTTP Error Codes, Part 2

Let's pick up where we left off last time with the question… How do I modify the HTTP status code...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 01/24/2007

Modifying HTTP Error Codes, Part 1

Back to errors and faults for a bit with this two part series on modifying the HTTP status code used...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 01/23/2007

Keeping Traces Up to Date

I've enabled tracing in my application, but I don't see entries in the trace log show up until I...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 01/22/2007

Are Your Message Headers Still Unsecure?

Due to some server problems, the MSDN RSS and Atom feeds weren't getting updated Thursday or Friday....

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 01/22/2007

Securing Custom Headers, Version 2

Last time we were looking at the problem of securing a dynamically generated message header. We saw...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 01/19/2007

Securing Custom Headers, Version 1

I'm securing messages using SOAP security but I also have some message headers that are generated...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 01/18/2007

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