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Imagine Cup: US Finals, Day of Judging!

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The Day of Judging, wow, that sounds so final.  The run up to the Day of Judging required as a lot of work, I was up till 2:30 AM getting things set-up.  All of the student teams were working feverishly on their presentations and making software tweaks.

This morning, the students went before the judges, and the ones that I guided through the process all looked good, but I don’t get to input to the judging so the final decision is by the judges.  The judges were made up from professionals from the game industry, the teams that I guided were game design projects, and I wanted to have all three of the games.

All of the students were the professionals that I expected them to be, and frankly I am proud of the Imagine Cup Teams.  This is proof that the current college graduates are people I look to taking over the leadership roles of the near future.

What is exciting, will one of the games win?  Will the game save the world?