Game Design: You think your initial apps suck, well take a look at these initial designs
In todays automotive world, Subaru is a an example of a popular and well built car
It wasn’t that way in the beginning, the initial Subaru imported into the US was a chain drive vehicle that was quickly rejected and used in Junkyard Demolition derbies where the Subaru was used like a soccer ball, seriously, I was broke and looked that this piece of junk and moved on. But Subaru kept at it and is now a sought after vehicle:
Original Subaru US Import | Latest Subaru Import |
Computer hardware
Initial Apple computer versus Commodore Pet, these computers were out at about the same time (ok, a few years separation) but the initial Apple is on the left.
What if Apple said we can’t produce anything till it is perfect?
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Humor Magazines on the Internet
Mad Magazine versus Cracked. Cracked was an awful printed magazine, and Mad Magazine was awesome.
But in it’s transition to the web is netzine one of the best examples of humor on the web.
No images, but you can check it out. Mad Magazine, seriously not as funny as the articles on