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Four videos on DirectX using Windows 8.1 and Visual Studio 2013

Innovations in High Performance 2D Graphics with DirectX

Great performance is a huge driver of satisfaction and user preference with apps. Direct2D powers high-performance, 2D graphics rendering in Windows.

In this video, learn how to use new Direct2D features and performance advancements to achieve optimal speed and efficiency in your apps using Direct2D code.

Unlocking the Power of DirectX in Apps That Use XAML

XAML provides a rich set of visual primitives for composing your app, and offers even more richness and control in your app’s rendering through interoperability with DirectX. In Windows 8.1, we have added more flexible hosting elements to the interop story, and also the powerful ability to both receive input and generate output on an independent, non-UI thread, enabling fast and fluid custom rendering experiences.

In this video you will learn how to use XAML and DirectX together to build the app experience you really want.

What's New in Direct3D 11.2

Come learn about what’s new in Direct3D 11.2! We’ll cover the new runtime and API functionality that improves the power efficiency, performance, and quality of your app’s graphics.

Watching this video will help you expand your  knowledge of how to make the best use of these new features in real-world scenarios across a variety of hardware

DirectX Graphics Debugging Tools

After late nights and long hours, you’ve finished coding your killer Direct3D app. But wait, the screen is blank when you run it! What do you do? This session is a walkthrough of various techniques and Microsoft tools available for debugging and analyzing graphics in your DirectX/C++ app or game. We’ll demonstrate some common (and some not-so-common) graphics programming errors, and show you how to use tools in the Windows SDK and Microsoft Visual Studio to determine the causes