C++/11: Home on the Range-based for-loop
Home, home on the range,Where the for && the loop play;Where seldom is heard a discouraging wordAnd the skies are !cloudy all day.
If you are from outside of the United States, that joke likely didn’t make any sense. If it didn’t, it is just a sad, sad, joke on the lyrics to an American Folk song which can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_on_the_range. And even if you are from the United States you might not have gotten it, or thought it was in anyway humorous. But I thought it was funny.
Range-Based For-Loop
See the link: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2009/n2930.html for the precision discussion.
Quick example, note that the index of the array is the “range” for the for-loop:
int roll[6] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
for (int& x : array) x *= 2;
Interesting right? Oh, that’s right this has been in Visual Studio since Visual Studio 2012 But it caught my eye this morning.
August 21, 2013
Are you sure range based for loops were in Visual Studio 2010? I thought they came in with Visual Studio 2012?Anonymous
August 22, 2013
Tom, you are correct. Thx. Noticed another typo, which I fixed. Thank you for pointing out my error.