View PDF files from within Outlook 2007’s previewer
One of the new features of Outlook 2007 that I wasn't completely trilled about at first was the document previewer. Then I started to use it and I _love_ it, I can't tell you how much this improves attached files as well as syncing SharePoint document libraries to Outlook. In any event I have been getting PDFs emailed to me and I wanted to view them from within Outlook's previewer.
I downloaded Adobe's Acrobat Reader 8.0 for Vista and I thought it would have that built in but sadly it didn't. Also Office Online didn't have more info so I was completely stumped. I searched online and look what I found:
Looks like Tim Heuer wrote something up which does exactly what I need, heck I will even show you with the animated gif he created:
You can download it here: Foxit PDF Preview Handler for Outlook 2007. Nice work Tim and thank you much!
March 16, 2007
a pdf previewer that uses acrobat is already available from
April 02, 2007
If you're using Windows XP + Office 2007, you can use the following add-in from Ryan to display PDF Files: PDF Preview Handler for Outlook/Vista,guid,a29ee2d7-6863-4b70-9fcb-b7db392f9a74.aspx Best, SigiAnonymous
April 06, 2007
Great PDF Previewer courtesy of descapa's One Note blog: View PDF files from within Outlook 2007’s previeweAnonymous
October 15, 2008,guid,a29ee2d7-6863-4b70-9fcb-b7db392f9a74.aspx DOES NOT WORK. Please I need PDF visualizador for vistaAnonymous
February 20, 2009
Didnt work on my vista machine.Anonymous
August 02, 2010
Very helpful , you saved a lot of time, thanks for sharing tim tcAnonymous
June 07, 2012
this is not work error massage "This file cannot be previewed because of an error with the following previewer: Foxit PDF Preview Handler To open this fiel in its own program, double-click it."