Outlook Sidebar Gadgets, should OneNote get one too?
Over on Melissa's & Ryan's blog they announce the Outlook 2007 Sidebar gadgets for download:
Outlook Upcoming Appointments – shows you your upcoming appointments.
Outlook Tasks – shows you your tasks and flagged mail all in one place, plus gives you an easy way to enter tasks, just like the To-Do Bar.
Go check them out!
Now I wanted to ask you all in the blogsphere would you like a Sidebar gadget for OneNote? What would you want it to do? We have some ideas and I wanted to get a pulse from you all. The Sidebar is a great technology which allows you to just have some information up on the screen. On my desktop I have the weather for outside (since I am indoors all day!) and the weather back where my family is. I also have a stock ticker and some beta gadgets that will be coming out shortly. I like the Sidebar but do you all use it? Please let me know in the comments or email me!
December 05, 2006
Since joining Microsoft last year, I have to say that OneNote is absolutely the best application I have seen (and used) in a LONG time! That said, I think a sidebar gadget for OneNote is a great idea. Maybe it should be like the post-it gadget, but you have an option of saving the note and it goes directly to a side-note section of OneNote. Don't know, but if you came out with one, I'd definitely use it!Anonymous
December 05, 2006
Please make one and save me the effort :) Drag-and-drop would be a great thing for tossing snippets onto a page, but it would need to be smart enough to drop onto unused space on the canvas.Anonymous
December 05, 2006
Perhaps a quick side note creation gadget? I use the Notes gadget to jot quick things down (like phone messages) but it would be useful if these were actually side notes in OneNote so I could see them on all of my devices.Anonymous
December 05, 2006
Absolutely! I agree with the previous posters, that you should just tie in the SideNote functionality into Sidebar, replacing the Post-it note gadget with a OneNote one. If you could get the OneNote tray icon use it, instead of opening OneNote for a side note, that would be useful too.Anonymous
December 05, 2006
Definate must have. A Side Note gadget would provide easy access to copy down simple thoughts. waiting for a side note to open is a long time when you are trying to remember that phone number!Anonymous
December 05, 2006
I couldn't live without OneNote! I use it as my short-term and long-term memory when developing code, doing code reviews, and debugging. It is almost always running, and almost always full-screen. I have Sidebar running, but haven't yet figured out how to quickly and conveniently glance at it and switch back to what I was working on. Why not turn the problem inside out? I'd like to be able to host gadgets and other active content inside my notes.Anonymous
December 05, 2006
It would be cool to have a feature that would show the pages that had been recently updated-this would be especially useful for shared team folders.Anonymous
December 06, 2006
A gadget that shows notes marked with a particular flag (urgent, 'next item'), etc. Which flag, of course, should be configurable, so that you could have one gadget showing 'phone calls' and another showing 'errands'. If you don't write the gadget, I will!Anonymous
December 06, 2006
Wow these are some great thoughts here and some where not ones I had thought about doing (Tablet Guy & Larry's comments). I will see what we can do here with our talented Devs. Thanks for the feedback and please keep it coming!Anonymous
December 06, 2006
Please, a onenote gadet would rock!!!Anonymous
December 10, 2006
How about a gadget for the Sidebar that launches ON with different user-pre-defined configurations. For example, When I'm not taking notes in a meeting or class, I put my teddy bear (nee Tablet!) into a dock. Not only does the ON page orientation change, but there are buttons, etc., that I change around, add, and delete to make working with my keyboard vs pen easier.Anonymous
December 15, 2006
I second Larry's thoughts (I think this is what he's saying - I only found this program today so have a bit of information overload to contend with... so many possibilities!) - it would be awesome to have a gadget that showed the 'show all tagged notes' output for a selected tag. Being able to configure which notebooks to look at would make it even more ideal.Anonymous
January 15, 2007
A onenote gadget would rock!!!Anonymous
January 18, 2007
I like some of the ideas about seeing "flagged" notes. Also, something to complement the existing "Side Note" functionality (i.e. create an unfiled note) and a way to bind to a particular notebook page. That way I could have a todo list or action items on particular page and both see and edit the list.Anonymous
March 20, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
April 05, 2007
I stumbled on this after searching for a OneNote Gadget... I love all the ideas, and cannot wait for such a gadget!Anonymous
May 09, 2007
where can i download this OneNote Gadget?Anonymous
August 29, 2007
I was just making some notes in my side bar, when I thought, "I should making these notes in OneNote". So I did a Google search to find the OneNote sidebar gadget. But only found this Blog So please bring it on! SVAnonymous
January 08, 2008
Ditto ! Googled to look for a OneNote sidebar gadget and found this thread. Please make it !!!!! JCAnonymous
January 25, 2008
Yes, a OneNote gadget is definately required! Do this! We would be thankful! Greedz NicoAnonymous
April 07, 2008
Please please please make a OneNote gadget. That would make it so much easier to access. Great idea please do it!Anonymous
June 02, 2008
Yes please! A OneNote gadget would be a very welcome feature.Anonymous
June 06, 2008
I absolutely agree!! A OneNote gadget would be a wonderful. thanks!Anonymous
July 14, 2008
I would LOVE a One Note Gadget. What happend though, this thread started in Dec 06?Anonymous
December 18, 2008
Any news about a One Note Sidebar Gadget?