OneNote 2007 Beta2 Error Code – HRESULTs for OneNote COM API
I was just looking on the OneNote Developer site and I saw that we haven’t posted the OneNote error code and HRESULTS for the COM API. This is the HRESULTS that came out with OneNote 2007 Beta2:
Error Code |
hrMalformedXML |
0x80042000, |
hrInvalidXML |
0x80042001, |
hrCreatingSection |
0x80042002, |
hrOpeningSection |
0x80042003, |
hrSectionDoesNotExist |
0x80042004, |
hrPageDoesNotExist |
0x80042005, |
hrFileDoesNotExist |
0x80042006, |
hrInsertingImage |
0x80042007, |
hrInsertingInk |
0x80042008, |
hrInsertingHtml |
0x80042009, |
hrNavigatingToPage |
0x8004200a, |
hrSectionReadOnly |
0x8004200b, |
hrPageReadOnly |
0x8004200c, |
hrInsertingOutlineText |
0x8004200d, |
hrPageObjectDoesNotExist |
0x8004200e, |
hrBinaryObjectDoesNotExist |
0x8004200f, |
hrLastModifiedDateDidNotMatch |
0x80042010, |
hrGroupDoesNotExist |
0x80042011, |
hrPageDoesNotExistInGroup |
0x80042012, |
hrNoActiveSelection |
0x80042013, |
hrObjectDoesNotExist |
0x80042014, |
hrNotebookDoesNotExist |
0x80042015, |
hrInsertingFile |
0x80042016, |
hrInvalidName |
0x80042017, |
hrFolderDoesNotExist |
0x80042018, |
hrInvalidQuery |
0x80042019, |
hrFileAlreadyExists |
0x8004201a, |
hrSectionEncryptedAndLocked |
0x8004201b, |
hrDisabledByPolicy |
0x8004201c, |
hrNotYetSynchronized |
0x8004201d, |
NOTE: These are subject to change as the product is still in beta. Most likely these will all stay around, we will just append more items. If you think something is missing please let me know soon!
Keywords: OneNote API Error code, OneNote COM HRESULT, OneNote error codes, COM Errors
June 03, 2007
Anyone know what error code 0xE0000644 is? thanksAnonymous
June 07, 2007
Mike - Did you get that from OneNote? I have never seen that error code and the final list of error codes are here: And you can see it isn't on this list. What were you trying to do? Where did you get the error?Anonymous
February 26, 2009
I got this error b/c the Name of the section group had a "," and a "." in the name. I removed those and renamed the tab and syncs fine now.Anonymous
October 25, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
November 21, 2009
Gunnar - I would try to turn on debug logging which you can learn how to do here: