Windows Deployment Session Videos – UK Techdays 2010
I had the pleasure a couple of weeks ago to present at the UK Techdays 2010 in London – we had a whole day on Windows deployment on the 14th April as part of the IT Professional Days and all of the sessions from that day were recorded and are now available. As part of the deployment day I covered four sessions:
- Preparing and Planning your Deployment
- Simple Deployments with Windows AIK and Windows Deployment Services
- Zero Touch Deployment using System Centre Configuration Manager 2007 and MDT 2010
- Exploring the User State Migration Toolkit (USMT) 4.0
I was joined during the day by Joey Snow who did a great session on Migrating Server Roles using Windows Server Migration Tools and Chris “the App Compat Guy” Jackson who covered Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.6 – Finding, Testing and Fixing Applications on windows 7
If you want to check out other sessions from the other Developer and IT Professional Days– click over to
This post was contributed by Richard Smith – a Senior Consultant with Microsoft Services, UK.