Powershell script for Office365 Federation
This script helps you
- To add a new domain and federate with your on-premise ADFS server.
- To federate your existing Office365 domain.
- You need to run this script from the ADFS box which will federate with Office365.
- Basic idea of how to add a TXT entry to your hosting provider, for more info refer https://onlinehelp.microsoft.com/en-us/office365-enterprises/gg584188.aspx .
Quick introduction about this guy.
He collects the following information from you:
- Office365 credentials
- Domain Name
- Your confirmation to know: if you are federating with a domain name which is already added to your Office365 portal or add and federate a new domain to office365.
- Finaly a log file location for an error output.
Things you should be aware:-
- This script does the domain verification, once the added TXT record is replicated.
- Domains added using this script can be verified only with New-MsolFederatedDomain –DomainName <Domain Name> command
- The domain verification might fail due to TXT recort replication, if so follow this KB Article and run New-MsolFederatedDomain –DomainName <Domain Name>
Note: - With my experience, I had to wait for 15-30 mins for the DNS replication.
I recommend you to download the attached .ps1 file to avoid any typo's.
#Created by KannaGanesh On 10-15-12
#This script helps you to federated a new / existing
domain with Office365 portal
write-host "This script helps you to federate a new
/ existing domain with Office365"
$cred = Get-Credential
$Domain = Read-Host "Provide your domain name that will be added to your Office365Portal" # this reads your Domainname that needs to federated with your Office365 subscription
$logfile = Read-Host "Get a logfile path"
Connect-MsolService -Credential $cred #Provide your microsoftonline credentials <admin@domain.microsoftonline.com>
$confirm = Read-Host "Please hit "S" to federate your existing Office365 domain / hit "N" for adding and federating a new domain with Office365"
If ($confirm -eq "S")
Convert-MsolDomainToFederated -DomainName $Domain # This
converts your existing domain to federated
New-MsolFederatedDomain -DomainName $domain # This line adds your domain to Office365 portal
write-host "Please note the DNS entry might take
some time for replication" -foregroundcolor Red -backgroundcolor white
Read-host "Hit enter once DNS entries or done"
New-MsolFederatedDomain -DomainName $domain -errorvariable e; # This line validates your domain verification
Write-Output $e > $logfile
If($e -ne $null)
Read-Host "Hit enter once you are ready to verify your domain" # This gives you a chance of verifiying the added domain again.
New-MsolFederatedDomain -DomainName $domain -errorvariable a -ea silentlycontinue -wa silentlycontinue;
$date = (get-date).ToString()
Write-Output $a $date | out-file $logfile -append # If the verification failed, then it writes an output to log file
If($a -ne $null)
{write-host "Your Domain verification failed, pls verify the txt record and run New-MsolFederatedDomain -DomainName <Domain Name> for successfull completion of federation" -foreground "White" -background "Red" ;
write-host "for more info check the log file @ $logfile"}
# This write-host command tells you how to validate your domain after fixing the DNS record
{write-output "Congrats you have successfully configured federation"
################################################# THE END ###############################################
How to run this script:
- Login to your ADFS server
- Open MSOnline Shell as administrator
- Run set-executionpolicy unrestricted from MSOnline shell
- Now it’s time to run the script .\office365federation.ps1
- Provide your office365 Credentials.
- Now you will be prompted for your Domain name, that will be federated with Office365.
- Choose your option, if you need to federate an existing domain / add & federate a new Domain
- Based on your selection the script federate / add & federate a domain to Office365
- If it is only the federation of an existing Domain, then this script does the federation and ends there.
- If it is for adding & federating a new domain to Office365 then it follow the below steps:
- Adds the domain to your Office365 tenant
- Provides the TXT record that needs to be added with your provider
- Once the record is added and ready for replication, An ENTER key will help the script to verify your domain.
- If the verification failed for the 1st time, it prompts you to validate the replication of TXT record that was added and then confirm by hitting an ENTER key.
- If the TXT record was replicated, your verification will be completed by now.
- Else, you will have to run New-MsolFederatedDomain -DomainName <Domain Name> for verifying the domain once the TXT record replication is done.
- Once the script is executed set it back to Restricted, using
Hope this helps you.