Proof-of-concept Silverlight XPS reader gets some Beta 1 love [SimpleSilverlightXpsViewer updated for Silverlight 2 Beta 1!]
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April 14, 2008
Happy tax day for those of you in the US. A few queued up links of miscellaneous interest: Designer/DevloperAnonymous
June 12, 2008
Earlier this week I was asked about an update to my SimpleSilverlightXpsViewer sample for the newly releasedAnonymous
October 17, 2008
Since the public release of Microsoft Silverlight 2 , I've gotten a few internal and external requestsAnonymous
November 17, 2008
It would be good to see it working on the latest version of Silverlight. NordesAnonymous
November 17, 2008
Nordes, Please see the trackback immediately before your comment titled "Roadblock in the way ..." - it's a link to a post I made explaining why the XPS reader doesn't work on Silverlight 2 RTW bits. Thanks!