Launch through Tauranga
Chris visited Tauranga last night. It seems like they gave him all the hard questions - Chis indicated that the questions he got there were some of the more advanced ones so far on the tour.
Tauranga has a regular user group which we slotted into for the night.
There were just under 20 people there and around half were already working in VS2005 - Good stuff! Also about half had been to the Auckland launch event. One person even video conferenced in!
Anyway, Well done to Rodney for organising the evening and thanks to those who went along!
- Anonymous
December 01, 2005
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
December 04, 2005
Ferriting people out is normally the hard bit. That they are there is almost a given... - Anonymous
December 06, 2005
We actually have 50 local .Net developers on our mail-list - just that we only seem to get 40% of them turning at any one event!