I couldn't resist - I got a geekzone blog too
I couldn't resist the urge to get a geekzone blog. With the monetization options I think it will probably take off, and it would be nice to have a blog in single digits... so mine is blog number 7 :-)
I'm going to use it for my mobile related blogging, so subscribe to the feed if that interests you :-)
- Anonymous
March 06, 2006
Sadly I still shamefully have only 9 posts, so I don't qualify :-(
It definitely has appeal though, since I often want to blog about mobility issues but feel guilty if I post anything on my DNJ blog that can't by some stretch be related to code and the writing thereof.
Do you know if there's an API?
If so, I sense an opportunity for shameless self-promotion... - Anonymous
March 06, 2006
Dont let that stop you... see the page linked above and ping Mauricio - he'll let you have one if you ask nicely :-)