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Chris Rathjen

Warning: May be "Jab myself in the eye with a pencil" geeky.

Computer Science != Software Engineering

I like to think the title of this blog post is common knowledge, but I still see places where the...

Author: CRathjen Date: 07/13/2005

What's in an exit code?

Can you trust the meaning of an exit code from an app of which you have no specific knowledge? I...

Author: CRathjen Date: 06/29/2005

Rant: Cell phone drivers are a SOLVEABLE PROBLEM!

So, I got to watch some of the spectacular side effects of driving while cradling a cell phone on...

Author: CRathjen Date: 06/17/2005

Shelving vs. Branching/Merging vs. Labeling: Which should I use?

Of course I'll go with the default answer to all computing questions: "It depends." I've seen this...

Author: CRathjen Date: 06/09/2005

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

So, since I saw Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith last week, and since I’m a self-respecting geek, I...

Author: CRathjen Date: 05/24/2005

FAQ: Is shelving just a fancy word for branching?

I've had some feedback from various sources lately about shelving, and how some people are...

Author: CRathjen Date: 04/06/2005

Team Foundation vs. Subversion: Shelving

We found an article online recently, where one of the Subversion guys is talking about shelving....

Author: CRathjen Date: 04/01/2005

The Merge Wizard is Wonderful, but not of Oz

I was going to take some advice from the comments in my last post, and do a more ViSual version of...

Author: CRathjen Date: 03/24/2005

Anyone? Bueller?

So, I posted some example uses of the merge command a while back, but didn't get any feedback. I'm...

Author: CRathjen Date: 02/28/2005

Branching, Merging, Shelving

An excellent overview of Branching, Merging, and Shelving in Team Foundation was just posted on the...

Author: CRathjen Date: 02/23/2005

To magically fix all of your problems, type 'Resolve'

Ok, I probably can't quite deliver on a promise like that (instead, I suggest you simply buy an easy...

Author: CRathjen Date: 02/22/2005

Workspace Version

We're having something of a debate about the use and precise meaning of the tem "workspace version"....

Author: CRathjen Date: 02/11/2005

Some more merge examples

Buck had a post awhile back on the basics of branch and merge. I wanted to give a few more examples...

Author: CRathjen Date: 01/27/2005

Shelving primer

Buck posted a howto on shelving from the command line. For those of you out there with the December...

Author: CRathjen Date: 01/19/2005

I need a subtitle!

I'm going to borrow a page out of Korby's playbook. I talk about a somewhat scattered variety of...

Author: CRathjen Date: 01/07/2005

I've been entirely negligent about my Blogging lately, and for that I apologize. It's a sad but...

Author: CRathjen Date: 01/06/2005

Hatteras, Currituck, Ocracoke

Some of you have no doubt heard of these projects, all part of the upcoming Visual Studio Team...

Author: CRathjen Date: 11/16/2004

Running As Normal User

As most of you probably know, Microsoft is a land of acronyms. We mostly prefer the 3-letter variety...

Author: CRathjen Date: 10/26/2004

Calvin raised a few questions in an earlier post that I wanted to answer in a new post (the comment...

Author: CRathjen Date: 10/04/2004


I know one of the areas people find lacking in Source Safe has been in its branching features. We've...

Author: CRathjen Date: 09/15/2004

Just because you're paranoid...

...doesn't mean they're not out to get you -- more on that in a minute. First, I apologize to the...

Author: CRathjen Date: 09/03/2004

XP SP2 available - sort of

As Buck mentioned, there's a version of SP2 for Windows XP available. But it's ~266 megs, while the...

Author: CRathjen Date: 08/10/2004

Branching project and solution files

In the comments of an earlier post, Pier asked: “When you branch (share and branch) an entire...

Author: CRathjen Date: 08/04/2004


A friend asked me to pick up with his ultimate team for a tournament this weekend - go SugarBuzz! It...

Author: CRathjen Date: 08/02/2004


Korby just promoted (to 'public') a discussion we've had going internally for awhile now - what to...

Author: CRathjen Date: 07/20/2004

"Laugh it up, fuzzball..."

So, James admitted yesterday that he's only seen Empire Strikes Back once. ONCE! His geek...

Author: CRathjen Date: 07/16/2004

Another naming "RFC"

James Manning is the developer working on the View command - a way to (guess what) view a specified...

Author: CRathjen Date: 07/16/2004

I was a hard sell, but...

... I finally came to see the light about this whole “ClearType” thing. I had tried...

Author: CRathjen Date: 07/15/2004

Migrating from VSS to Hatteras

Buck posted the preliminary plan on VSS->Hatteras migration, be sure to check it out if you...

Author: CRathjen Date: 07/06/2004

Worth repeating...

This question has come up a lot lately when people hear about or look at Hatteras for the first...

Author: CRathjen Date: 07/01/2004

Buck's posts on branching and merging

Read what Buck has to say about the Hatteras branch/merge model, in the context of the...

Author: CRathjen Date: 06/29/2004


With today's announcement of Visual Studio 2005 Beta 1 (aka “Whidbey“), I figured now...

Author: CRathjen Date: 06/29/2004
