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SPO Tidbit - Compliance Manager

Hello All, 

This came thru my inbox so I thought I would share it with you

Compliance Manager helps your organizations meet compliance obligations like the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It performs a real-time risk assessment with a score that reflects your compliance position against data protection regulations when using Microsoft Cloud services, along with recommended actions and step-by-step guidance

Using compliance manager manage you can manage your compliance posture from one place. This enables you to conduct real-time risk assessment, providing one intelligent score that reflects your compliance performance against data protection regulatory requirements when using Microsoft cloud services.

Assessment Process

  1. Assign an Action Item to a user     You can assign an Action Item to a person to implement the requirements of a standard or regulation, or to test, verify, and document your organization's implementation requirements.
  2. Manage documents   Customer managed controls also have a place to manage documents that are related to performing implementation tasks and for performing testing and validation
  3. Provide implementation and testing details  Every customer managed control has an editable field where users can add implementation details that document the steps taken by your organization to meet the requirements of the standard or regulation, and to validate and document how your organization meets those requirements.
  4. Set status   Set the Status for each item as part of the assessment process. Available status values are Implemented, Alternative Implementation, Planned, and Not in Scope.
  5. Enter test date and test result   The person with the Compliance Manager Assessor role can verify that proper testing performed, review the implementation details, test plan, test results, and any uploaded evidence, and then set the Test Date and Test Result. Available test result values are Passed, Failed-Low Risk, Failed-Medium Risk, and Failed-High Risk.


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General Availability

Presently compliance manager is in Public Preview and General Availability will be very soon.

How to sign up for compliance manager preview
